2014年1月31日 星期五

劉藝良:拱關配樓適時延關 粵自由行自助過關有望五一前實施

迷你倉【本報消息】本澳每年有近三千萬人次旅客到訪,近年逢節假日關閘口岸更是"逼爆",新春期間珠澳兩地口岸的通關能力備受關注。長期關注和跟進粵澳通關問題的全國人大代表劉藝良表示,內地出入境部門亦非常關注新春期間的通關情況,將在原有通關基礎上,視出入境人流擠逼情況,適當延長東西兩翼出入境配樓的通關時間。另橫琴口岸亦已因應長隆主題公園開幕臨時加開出境通道至二十條。至於廣東省"自由行"旅客自助過關,有望今年上半年實施,迎接"五 · 一"小黃金周。劉藝良表示,拱北口岸東西兩翼出入境配樓啟用後,雖然每日通關時間只有五小時(東翼出境由上午七時至十二時,西翼入境由下午四時至九時),但都已起到了一定疏導和分流作用。對於新春期間拱關的通關壓力,拱北聯檢單位非常關注,亦已在人員調配作出調整,包括取消人員休假,及因應出入境人潮擠擁情況適當延長東西兩翼出入境配樓的通關時間。拱北口岸廣場管文件倉部門、公安及邊檢部門亦已協調,加派人手做好口岸廣場排隊出境人潮分流、秩序及安全等工作。考慮到橫琴長隆度假村主題公園開幕,新春期間人潮大幅增加,更有可能取道橫琴口岸訪澳。橫琴口岸出境通道亦由原來十多條,臨時加開至二十條,以期有效疏導出入境人流。對於橫琴口岸原計劃去年底延長通關,後因各種原因未能實施,劉藝良表示關注,並透露邊境檢聯單位對延長通關時間持積極態度,但冀獲批准按各部門需要增加人員編制,以及完善周邊交通和擴編後人員的住宿等後勤配套。有關廣東省"自由行"旅客卡式通行證自助過關措施,劉藝良表示,措施仍在籌備中,且需港澳地區的完善通關軟件配合,如技術改裝等才可實施,期望可於今年"五 · 一"小黃金周實施。劉藝良表示,現時居民持通行卡入境到內地,內地出入境部門期望居民能多辦理和使用自助過關系統,以減低通關的不便。至於邊檢人員擴編問題,他表示,今年兩會期間會再跟進。存倉


24小時迷你倉 遠在千里之外的南極科考隊員如何過年?昨日,本報記者通過微信採訪到第30次南極科考隊長城站廚師方元法。方元法是武漢商學院烹飪與食品工程學院副教授,他與該校畢業生胡馨一起,去年底前往長城站,負責餐飲管理。方元法介紹,長城站比北京時間晚12個小時,昨日下午,30多位隊員吃上了團年飯,共14道菜,有花菜燒肉、鴨腸、酸辣包菜、家常豆腐、雞腿、紅燒肉、八寶飯等,年飯的餃子都是大家親手包的,餃子有鹹有甜,餡料口味多樣,"大家還來了點紅酒、啤酒、黃酒,節日的氣氛就更濃了"。迷你倉旺角


迷你倉最平 甚麼是COS?我所指的不是數學上的三角函數Cosine,而是China Operating System的簡稱,意思是中國作業系統。這個COS中國作業系統由中科院軟件研究所與上海聯彤網絡通訊技術有限公司聯合發布,以Linux為基礎開發出來,適用於電腦、手機或電視機頂盒,是一個全功能的作業系統平台。中科院軟件研究所所長李明樹指出,美國NSA棱鏡事件,以及視窗XP終止技術支援等事件的發生,令電腦作業系統的重要性被提升到國家安全的戰略高度。試想,德國總理用智能手機,卻因軟件被改動,令通話內容輕易被人竊聽。市民用XP電腦,XP卻不再獲得安全更新,令電腦隨時有機會被黑客入侵。當電腦被大規模入侵,將可能引發網絡攻擊或網絡戰爭,後果嚴重,不得不防。中科院指出,COS的出現,志在打破外國公司在軟件上的壟斷地位,並引領開發具有中國自主知識產權和中國特色的作業系統。該系統以Linux為基礎,並加強了安全性,為開發商提供一個安全的基礎系統。開發商可以把該系統移植到電腦、手機或機頂盒上,用途廣泛。但有趣的是,COS竟然是閉源軟件,開發商和用戶都不能查看軟件的程式碼。Linux本身是開源軟件,以Linux開發出來的作業系統如Ubuntu或Android,都是開源產品。COS卻使用Linux的開源碼,但發展出閉源產品,於理不合。此外,閉源軟件本身有可能被政府植入監控程式,令用戶使用時有所顧忌。相信中國政府要推廣COS的應用,將有相當難度。電郵:ray@openrice.com鍾偉民(Ray)?飲食網站創辦人迷你倉

沉澱心靈 開春由健康起頭

迷你倉價錢沉澱之旅佛陀館一遊佛陀紀念館是南台灣近年超夯景點,數大的建築、豐富的內涵以及各路美食,不需門票,玩法自在。遠眺紀念館的第一景,是高度近70公尺的「佛光」地標,巍然聳立;全館像是鬼斧神工般鑲嵌於起伏的山巒與河流之間。穿越山門,「禮敬大廳」入眼,大門左右各有一高5公尺、長6公尺的獅子與大象,帶著幼獅、幼象迎賓,獅象表達意涵深遠,也有別傳統。穿越美食區、文創區,從側門往裡走,「八塔」羅列分別於廣場,七層寶塔高38公尺,塔基座設有簡報室、接待中心,讓入山旅客得以短暫歇息,另做為上課、抄經及舉辦佛化婚禮的禮堂。若對美食特感興趣,建議嘗嘗「漢來蔬食健康概念館」,趁著開年新春,以素食清心、清胃。這家漢來飯店集團經營的館外餐廳,融合中、西料理手法,每道菜上桌,都像一幅美畫,食材組合也很健康,像是來自日本的黑芝麻、大豆蛋白,大陸東北的秋耳、契作農場從產地直送的新鮮蔬菜和瓜果、天然的蒟蒻、健康的五穀米、堅果等,完全自然。館內也有滴水坊,麵點好吃;都會旅客熟悉的星巴客、7-11以及各種口味的義式冰淇淋、巧克力、伴手禮皆備。佛陀館地址:高雄市大樹區統嶺里統嶺路1號。電話:07-656-3033文化之旅台南訪古趣台南是個文化豐美的古城,走入其間,像進入歷史廊道,昔日故事一一入眼來。近年,台南也有許多文創旅店,甚至發展成文創聚落,小旅行,此間最有味道。近年走紅的「佳佳西市場文化旅店」,前身為「佳佳大旅飯店」,建於1970年代,是台灣第一位女建築師王秀蓮設計,曾因電影「小城故事」在此取景而聲名大噪,但仍抵不過市場競爭而漸失光澤。直到幾位年輕人進駐,為老屋注入新生命,文創旅店由此開始。走到「文創聚落區」正興街的最底端,永遠大排長龍的「蜷尾家」冰淇淋,延續迷你倉最平原有關東煮的日式裝潢;隊伍通常延伸到「正興咖啡館」,也是老屋再造的特色店,賣咖啡、文創品、台南老店名產,店內保留原來的紅磚牆,以回收的窗框隔間,很有「味道」。緊鄰「蜷尾家」旁、小巷裡的「小滿食堂」,價廉味美而永遠滿座,小桌小椅拉近了人與食物、人與人的距離。這個老聚落,因文創翻新,可吃可賞可買、住得也有奇趣,適合雅士之旅。老屋裡的文創餘韻,還有很多;若要住在文創小旅店,擁有好評的還有轉圈圈、曈Sunrise Bed&Space、老曼船長、浮游咖啡、有方公寓、佳佳小南天等。泥漿溫泉做天然SPA南台灣溫泉多,特色也多,全台獨有的泥漿溫泉就在關子嶺。溫泉水質呈灰黑色,夾帶著地下岩層泥質與礦物質,有如泡在泥巴裡,敷在臉上、身上,像做了場天然SPA。景區的飯店、民宿很多,但多偏老舊,住宿期待不能太高。從關子嶺風景區停車場旁的紅葉公園,有條陡峭石階,往前行,就可達「水火同源」奇景,崖壁同時流竄出瓦斯與泉水,一點火,就形成水火相容的奇觀;附近約1公里處,有古寺「碧雲寺」,後塑有巨型的白色觀音像,最適合新春祈願。景區內的「火山大仙寺」,有「南台第一古剎」之稱,主祀釋迦牟尼,建於清康熙年間,已是三級古蹟,也值得一探。山區美食也多偏山產野味,如蓮子餐、桶仔雞等。西拉雅國家風景區管理處:0800-580-762武德宮求財規模最大位於北港華勝路的武德宮,是全台規模最大的五路財神廟,也是開基祖廟。由元長或土庫往北港的省道台19線路段,遠遠就能看見高達40多台尺的通天庫金爐,矗立在廟前,據說「通天庫」金爐經過特殊設計,只要把紙錢放在爐口,因對流作用,會自動將紙錢吸進去,有如財神爺在數錢。武德宮地址:雲林縣北港鎮華勝路330號。電話:05-782-1445迷你倉

2014年1月29日 星期三


THE Government has been stepping up efforts to improve bus service standards.迷你倉It started with the announcement in 2012 of a $1.1 billion Bus Service Enhancement Programme, under which the state finances the purchase and operation of 550 additional public buses. By the end of this year, all of the new buses will be on the road.That was followed recently by a carrot-and-stick scheme to incentivise operators to keep "excess waiting time" to a minimum. The plan, the first of its kind here, will start with a two-year trial involving 22 services.And next year, a sophisticated satellite-tracked system that will forecast to the minute when a particular bus will arrive at any given stop.These are good moves, to be sure. But are they enough? More to the point, do they make a difference where it matters most: to commuters' bus journeys?Consider for example that the carrot-and-stick scheme - called the Bus Service Reliability Framework - will involve only 8 per cent of services here. And it is only a trial.Secondly, a satellite-tracked bus arrival forecasting system may be a technological marvel, but nothing beats having buses stick to a dependable bus timetable - whether the timetable is printed on plain paper or is available as a sophisticated app.Mr Bruno Wildermuth, a respected industry consultant, says a published bus timetable is a must. That way, commuters can plan their day effectively. And regulators can gauge the service of operators.Mr Wildermuth points out that bus timetables are common in many developed countries, including Japan, Australia, Scandinavia, Germany and Switzerland."Not everyone has a computer or a smartphone," Mr Wildermuth says, referring to bus arrival information systems that smartphone users can tap on."Secondly, how do I plan for a meeting in town? How do I plan my transfers if there isn't a timetable?"He says that in Zurich a commuter can plan his journey down to the minute because buses there are required to run to a strict timetable.In Tokyo, buses are so reliable that commuters can set their watches to a service.National University of Singapore transport economist Anthony Chin agrees that a fixed timetable is preferred."What you need is certainty in arrival times according to a published schedule," he says.The Land Transport Authority, however, seems to think that timetables are needed only for services that are less frequent.An LTA spokesman says that when the new arrival system is ready next year, it will be able to provide updates on bus arrival information "so that commuters have more predictability on the arrival of their bus service".The LTA will then consider the merit of providing timetables "for low-frequency bus services".This is puzzling. Why not a timetable for all services? After all, the planners have access to a wealth of commuting informati新蒲崗迷你倉n through the ez-link card. With some planning, it would be possible to come up with a bus timetable that will benefit the commuter and is feasible for the operator.So while a satellite-tracked arrival system sounds sophisticated, it is of limited use to commuters who cannot plan journeys in advance.In fact, LTA and bus planners should go beyond buying buses and tracking journey times. For a move that would have a more significant impact on the daily bus commute, they should revisit the plan to redraw Singapore's bus routes. Mr Raymond Lim made the LTA the central bus route planner when he was transport minister. The idea was for it to come up with a hub-and-spoke network that is optimal, efficient and not necessarily profit-motivated.But the changes have been slow in coming. And many bus routes that are extraordinarily long remain. Take Service 196 for instance. It plies between Bedok in the east and Clementi in the west. But most commuters on it actually travel between the city and the two towns. Why not split it into two shorter routes?Dr Park Byung Joon, head of the Master of Science programme in urban transport management at UniSIM's School of Business, observes that long bus routes are not desirable."It has been empirically proven that the longer the bus route, the poorer the bus reliability," he notes. "The Seoul bus reform implemented in 2003 divided Seoul into eight zones and most of the bus routes ran only within a zone."Since bus routes became relatively short, the reliability naturally improved."The Seoul bus reform has been hailed as a success story by transport experts, where decisive government intervention turned around a messy industry.Then there is the question of whether Singapore's fleet of 4,000-plus public buses is well utilised.Mr Wildermuth observes large numbers of buses at interchanges - even during peak hours. "Drivers should take tea breaks, not buses," he asserts. He believes, with better manpower planning, operators could do a lot more with their fleets.Dr Park agrees. "It is well established that simply adding more buses to the fleet is not an effective way of improving bus reliability," he says. "It must come with other measures."Truth be told, the bus commuter's lot has generally improved. This is especially so for those who use services such as 72, 106 and 922, which got more buses under the Bus Service Enhancement Programme. Many also benefit from new City Direct express services.But some services are below par. Service 147 has waiting times of as long as 30 minutes; Service 7's departure times from Clementi interchange are patchy; and the infamous 190 made headlines last October when a commuter complained that she could not get on it for 13 times.To fix the industry conclusively, perhaps bigger, bolder steps need to be taken.christan@sph.com.sg迷你倉




迷你倉旺角 新年將至 臘味飄香"冬風起,臘味香",臘味一直是人們入冬後不可或缺的傳統美食。春節將至,走在街上,掛在窗前或家門口的臘魚、醃肉、臘香腸,在陽光下漸漸風乾,成為誘人的食材,也給街上平添了一分濃濃的傳統年味。本報記者 趙立榮攝影報道mini storage


迷你倉新蒲崗 bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2014-01/30/content_147240.htm...聯想分拆成四大業務集團 本報訊(記者 孫奇茹)28日深夜,聯想向外公佈消息,聯想集團將從2014年4月1日起分拆為四大業務集團。這是繼1年...迷你倉出租

W2 Software by W2Mate.com Helps Businesses Meet 2014 W2 Deadline with Tools to Print, E-Mail and E-File W-2 Forms

CHICAGO, Jan.迷你倉將軍澳 29, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Real Business Solutions (.W2Mate.com/), W2 1099 software provider, drives cost and time savings for tax preparers, small businesses and W2 online filing providers. Through W2 Mate, the W2 1099 preparation solution offered by the company, businesses can E-File W2 tax forms with the government through BSO website and generate password-protected W2 forms in PDF format. The PDF W-2s can then be emailed to employees instead of paper copies, which delivers tangible money and time-saving benefits to US small businesses and payroll providers.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140129/CG55630)A FREE W2 Software trial can be downloaded from the company's website by visiting .W2Mate.com/download.html .Using W2 E-File is secure, easy to use, efficient, fast, flexible and helps save the environment. Any filer of W2 forms may file their returns electronically. Any employer who files 250 or more W2 forms for any calendar year must file their W-2s electronically. However, if you have less than 250, we encourage you to file these returns electronically. W2 Mate complies with SSA EFW2 format - Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically. W2 Mate also complies with IRS Publication 1220- Specifications for Filing Form 1098, 1099, 5498, and W-2G Electronically or Magnetically.The PDF W2 forms feature available in W2 Mate (.W2Mate.com/W2-Mate.html) makes issuing W-2s to employees as simple as sending email. No forms to print, no envelopes to stuff, no paper cuts24小時迷你倉 no postage and no headache. Just enter employee information, generate a PDF file and email. The PDF files generated by the W2 Mate W2 / 1099 compliance system are encrypted and require a password in order to be opened. This makes sending these files by e-mail or any other electronic means more secure. The electronic version of form W2 generated by W2 Mate contains all required information and complies with applicable IRS procedures.Year after year, small businesses and accounting firms rely on W2 Mate to process thousands of accurate and timely W2 and 1099 returns with the Social Security Administration and IRS. W2 Mate software has some of the best W2 software reviews in the industry.You can download a free evaluation of W2 Mate and see how easy it's to process W2 and 1099 Forms. Visit .w2mate.com/ to get started.W2 Mate also supports W2 electronic filing with the federal government and the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin.Give the W2 print and e-File utility a test drive and start saving time and money while processing W2s. Visit .W2Mate.com/download.html .Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140129/CG55630PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comW2Mate.comWeb site: .w2mate.com/迷你倉旺角


24小時迷你倉【記者羅盛水/桃園報導】桃園縣長吳志揚昨(廿九)日在中壢市中信飯店為二十四家業者頒發「桃園縣客家美食認證優質餐廳」認證標章。吳縣長表示,這些經輔導認證的優質餐廳,不但具有道地的客家風味,在傳統之餘還兼顧創新的精神,也相當重視餐廳的環境,是民眾前往品嘗客家菜的好去處。吳志揚表示,桃園縣是全國客家人數最多的縣市,也是國門之都,當然需要有道地客家菜的餐廳,經縣府向經濟部爭取一千萬補助,輔導為期三年至少六十家的客家餐飲業者,透過產官學界的參與,第一期通過輔導認證的業者共有二十四家。他指出,現在客家菜不但配合養生迷你倉旺角念進行研發,在傳統之餘也兼顧創新,將客家菜呈現得更養生、美味及健康。桃園縣客家餐廳整合行銷發展計畫,是有史以來規模最大的認證輔導計畫,從去年起為期三年,輔導至少六十家客家餐飲業者,透過縣府團隊及產官學界進行訪查後提出建議,改善菜色、環境及增添客家主題風味等元素,並開設研習課程邀請師資講授菜色研發、經營管理等課程。透過餐廳整合行銷計畫,結合手機APP程式開發「桃園客庄美食網」,並印製了「好客之都-桃園客家美食」刊物加強行銷,希望讓到桃園縣品嘗客家料理的民眾,可以更便利更安心地享用經過縣府團隊認證的優質餐廳。mini storage


迷利倉 據新華社曼穀1月29日電 (記者常天童)據中國駐清邁總領館消息,一輛搭載中國遊客的大巴29日在泰國清邁市發生交通事故,車上25名中國遊客受傷。中國駐清邁總領館領事劉麗波接受記者電話採訪時說,當天中午11時30分左右,中國旅遊團一行搭載兩輛大巴行駛在清邁市主幹道上,其中一輛大巴與一輛麵包車發生碰撞並側翻,車上25名中國遊客不同程度受傷。劉麗波說,受傷遊客被緊急送往附近醫院接受救治,目前已有19名遊客出院。據瞭解,這個旅遊團來自四川省成都市,全團共46人,按行程安排將于29日晚搭乘飛機從清邁返回成都。除6名仍在醫院接受治療的遊客以及5名遊客留下協助傷員外,其餘35人將按原計劃乘機回國。迷你倉


迷你倉  中新網1月30日電 據中國政府網消息,近日,國務院辦公廳印發了《關於促進地理信息產業發展的意見》。全文如下:  各省、自治區、直轄市人民政府,國務院各部委、各直屬機構:  地理信息產業是以現代測繪和地理信息系統、遙感、衛星導航定位等技術為基礎,以地理信息開發利用為核心,從事地理信息獲取、處理、應用的高技術服務業。隨著近年來地理信息產業迅速興起並保持高速增長,這一戰略性新興產業在我國經濟社會發展中的作用日益顯現。為促進我國地理信息產業發展,經國務院同意,現提出以下意見:  一、充分認識發展地理信息產業的重大意義  (一)發展地理信息產業是實現科學發展的重要支撐。地理信息是重要的基礎性信息資源,是國家信息資源的重要組成部分。開發利用地理信息,有利於促進國土空間布局優化,有利於促進工業化、信息化、城鎮化、農業現代化同步推進,有利於推動經濟社會科學發展。  (二)發展地理信息產業是維護國家安全的重要保證。地理信息是重要的戰略性信息資源,關係到國家主權、安全和利益,在維護政治、經濟、軍事、科技和其他非傳統領域國家安全中發揮著重要作用。加強重要地理信息資源的開發利用監管,對維護國家安全具有重要意義。  (三)發展地理信息產業是加快轉變經濟發展方式的重要手段。地理信息產業的不斷發展,將促進物聯網、智慧城市以及關聯服務業的發展,完善"網格化"社會管理,支撐重大項目科學決策,帶動創業就業,對轉變經濟發展方式起到"助推器"的作用。  (四)發展地理信息產業是保障和改善民生的重要內容。地理信息已成為人民群�日常生活中不可或缺的關鍵信息,在旅遊出行、醫療衛生、扶老助殘等方面應用廣泛。加快地理信息產業發展,有利於人民群�更多更好地分享改革開放的成果。  二、總體要求  (五)指導思想。以鄧小平理論、"三個代表"重要思想、科學發展觀為指導,全面提高我國地理信息獲取和處理能力,推進地理信息規範監管和廣泛應用,推動體制機制創新,營造良好發展環境,加快突破關鍵核心技術,提升地理信息產業整體水平和國際競爭力,更好地滿足經濟社會發展的需要。  (六)基本原則。  ——堅持市場主導與政府引導相結合。充分發揮市場在資源配置中的決定性作用,突出企業主體,加強政府引導,強化政策扶持,營造環境,創造條件,推動產業又好又快發展。  ——堅持自主創新與對外合作相結合。完善以企業為主體的科技創新體系,著力推進關鍵核心技術研發,加強國際交流與合作,提升自主創新能力,大力促進科技成果產品化、產業化和國際化。  ——堅持規範監管與廣泛應用相結合。加快形成規範有序的地理信息市場秩序,加強安全監管,在維護國家安全的前提下,積極推進地理信息公共服務平台建設,促進地理信息高效、廣泛利用。  ——堅持整體推進與重點發展相結合。做好統籌規劃,加快地理信息產業結構調整和優化升級,促進產業集聚、整體推進和全面提升,加強分類指導,大力發展對產業具有支撐、牽引作用的重點領域,鼓勵優勢企業通過兼並重組等方式做大做強。  ——堅持經濟社會需求與國防需求相結合。充分發揮地理信息對維護國家安全的重要支撐作用,走軍地統籌、軍民融合的發展路子,在基礎地理信息生產和技術創新等方面兼顧國防需求。  (七)發展目標。通過政策推動,逐步形成地理信息獲取、處理、應用為主的成熟產業鏈,形成若干個實力雄厚、具有國際競爭力的大型企業和龍頭企業,培育一批充滿活力的中小型企業。用5至10年時間,使我國地理信息獲取能力明顯提升,科技創新能力持續增強,市場監管有效、競爭有序,產品更加豐富、應用更加廣泛,產業國際競爭力顯著提高。  三、推動重點領域快速發展  (八)提升遙感數據獲取和處理能力。發展測繪應用衛星、高中空航攝飛機、低空無人機、地面遙感等遙感系統,加快建設航空航天對地觀測數據獲取設施,形成光學、雷達、激光等遙感數據獲取體系,顯著提高遙感數據獲取水平。加強遙感數據處理技術研發,進一步提高數據處理、分析能力。  (九)振興地理信息裝備製造。培育若干擁有知識產權的中高端地理信息技術裝備生產大型企業,帶動相關配套零部件生產企業向"專、精、特"方向發展,提升裝備製造的專業化、精細化、特色化水平。  (十)提高地理信息軟件研發和產業化水平。結合下一代互聯網、物聯網、雲計算等新技術的發展趨勢,大力推進地理信息軟件研發,特別是在大型地理信息系統、高性能遙感數據自動化處理等核心基礎軟件產業化方面實現突破,達到國際先進水平。  (十一)發展地理信息與導航定位融合服務。加快推進現代測繪基準的廣泛使用,結合北斗衛星導航產業的發展,提升導航電子地圖、互聯網地圖等基於位置的服務能力,積極發展推動國民經濟建設和方便群�日常生活的移動位置服務產品,培育新的經濟增長點。  (十二)促進地理信息深層次應用。推進面向政府管理決策、面向企業生產運營、面向人民群�生活的地理信息應用。繁榮地圖市場,鼓勵製作和出版多層次、個性化、群�喜聞樂見的優秀地圖產品,開發出版城市及公路水路交通多媒體地圖和三維虛擬地圖等特色地圖。積極發展地理信息文化創意產業,開發以地圖為媒介的動漫、遊戲、科普、教育等新型文化產品,培育大�地理信息消費市場。  四、優化產業發展環境  (十三)夯實產業發展基礎。規範建立全面反映產業發展情況的統計制度、指標體系和分類標準,建立地理信息及相關產業單位名錄庫,加強信息統計和發佈工作。編制地理信息產業發展規劃,提出規劃目標、方向和重點,加強與相關規劃、政策的銜接,明確任務和措施。  (十四)支持企業做大做強。完善地理信息服務資質管理、數據使用許可、地圖審核等制度以及地理信息標準體系。支持企業通過並購迷你倉將軍澳參股等方式進入地理信息產業,鼓勵地理信息企業兼並重組,優化資源配置。推動產業集群化、規模化發展,加快培育大型企業和龍頭企業。  (十五)規範市場秩序。建立地理信息市場招投標、資產評估、咨詢服務等制度以及工程監理、監督檢驗等質量保障體系,健全地理信息市場信用體系。加大知識產權保護力度,依法查處非法出版和不正當競爭等行為,維護公平競爭的市場秩序。  (十六)強化安全監管。健全涉密地理信息保密管理規定,進一步完善涉密地理信息處理、分發與應用跟蹤機制,加強安全監管能力建設,進一步提高涉密地理信息保密安全監管水平。加強高分辨率衛星遙感影像的應用管理。加大對涉外地理信息合作項目及其使用地理信息成果的監督力度。依法嚴厲打擊非法獲取、處理地理信息行為。深入開展各類宣傳教育活動,不斷提高公民的國家版圖意識和地理信息安全保密意識。  五、推進科技創新和對外合作  (十七)加快科技創新和產業轉化。加大國家科技計劃、知識創新工程和自然科學基金項目對地理信息科技創新的支持力度,發揮國家科技重大專項的核心引領作用,集中力量突破一批支撐產業發展的關鍵共性核心技術,加快推進產業重點領域創新發展和科研成果的產業轉化。強化企業在科技創新中的主體地位,鼓勵符合條件的地理信息企業申請建立各類科技創新平台,構建專業技術創新與產業轉化服務體系。  (十八)加強人力資源建設。以促進地理信息科技創新和產業升級為重點,著力培養高層次、創新型的核心技術研發人才和科研團隊。以提高產業綜合競爭能力為核心,加快培育具有國際視野的經營管理人才。堅持產學研相結合,緊密結合產業發展需求,進一步優化高校專業和課程設置,努力培養國際化、復合型、實用型人才。對經批准建立的產業基地(園區)引進的高層次地理信息人才,優先安排本人及其配偶、未成年子女在所在地落戶。  (十九)促進國際交流與合作。積極引進、消化、吸收國外先進技術,加強多層次、多形式、多領域的研發、生產和人才培養合作。實施"走出去"戰略,鼓勵和支持在地理信息服務領域開展對外合作,為相關企業走向國際市場提供信息咨詢和服務。鼓勵企業輸出地理信息服務、技術、裝備和標準,承攬國際外包業務。  六、加強財稅金融支持  (二十)加大財政支持力度。在現有資金渠道內,著力支持地理信息獲取、處理、應用、出版等產業發展的關鍵環節,提升產業創新能力。進一步加大對公益性地理信息產品生產的投入力度,落實政府採購政策,鼓勵政府部門地理信息服務外包。地方各級人民政府要採取有效措施,加大投入,推動形成成熟的地理信息產業鏈。  (二十一)落實相關稅收優惠政策。地理信息企業銷售自主開發、生產、出版的地理信息產品,符合軟件產品範圍和認定條件的,可按規定申請享受國家鼓勵軟件產業發展的增值稅優惠政策。地理信息企業符合軟件企業認定條件的,經認定後可以申請享受有關軟件企業所得稅優惠政策。地理信息企業投資國家鼓勵類項目,除《國內投資項目不予免稅的進口商品目錄》所列商品外,在投資總額內所需進口自用設備以及按照合同隨設備進口的技術及配套件、備件,免征進口關稅。  (二十二)加大融資支持力度。鼓勵企業投資地理信息產業,有條件的地方可按規定設立主要支持地理信息企業發展的股權投資(基金)企業或創業投資(基金)企業,引導社會資金投資地理信息產業,不斷擴大投入規模,提高產業發展後勁。積極支持符合條件的企業採取發行股票、債券等多種方式籌集資金,拓寬直接融資渠道。銀行業金融機構要在控制風險的前提下,積極拓寬抵質押品範圍,開發適合地理信息企業的創新型金融產品,對其合理信貸需求給予支持。充分發揮融資性擔保機構和融資擔保扶持資金的作用,為地理信息企業提供各種形式的貸款擔保服務,積極推動企業利用知識產權等無形資產進行質押貸款。大力發展金融租賃、融資租賃等其他間接融資方式,支持地理信息產業發展。  七、健全產業發展保障體系  (二十三)完善政策法規。順應新型服務業態的發展規律和發展趨勢,適時研究制定和完善促進地理信息產業發展的法規、規章和政策,明確各類市場主體的權利和義務。建立健全地理信息獲取、處理、應用、出版以及知識產權保護、安全保密監管等相關配套制度措施。  (二十四)強化各方協調配合。各相關部門要按照統一、協調、有效的原則,做好地理信息規劃統籌、公共服務、市場監管、標準建設、安全管理等工作。推進軍民測繪融合發展,大力推動先進軍事測繪和地理信息技術成果、裝備設施的社會化應用。充分發揮相關學會、協會在促進地理信息產業發展中的作用。  (二十五)加強分類指導。對於具有戰略性或關係國家安全的領域,堅持以國家投資為主,通過建立健全法律法規體系妥善處理好地理信息保密與開放的關係。對於市場化程度高的重點發展領域,以社會投資為主,政府通過多種方式給予政策、資金扶持。對於地理信息社會化服務,主要由企業提供,政府給予合理引導和支持,基礎地理信息實行免費或低收費政策。  (二十六)強化基礎地理信息支撐。加強基礎測繪和地理國情監測,進一步豐富基礎地理信息。採取優惠政策,鼓勵符合條件的地理信息企業充分利用基礎地理信息開展社會化應用和增值服務,開發出版多樣化、大�化、具有自主知識產權的地理信息產品。  (二十七)推進地理信息開放共享。組織開展地理信息資源共享政策性試點工作,建立健全政府部門間地理信息資源共建共享機制,明確共建共享的內容、方式和責任,統籌協調地理信息獲取分工、更新和共享工作,在切實保障政府部門應用需求的前提下,避免重複建設和資源浪費。積極研究並儘快出台地理信息數據對社會開放的相關政策,促進地理信息的廣泛應用和產業的健康、快速發展。國務院辦公廳2014年1月22日24小時迷你倉


24小時迷你倉   中新網1月30日電 據中國領事服務網援引駐馬爾代夫使館消息,1月28日,一名中國遊客在馬爾代夫某居民島參加水上活動時不幸溺亡,中國駐馬爾代夫使館正全力協助死者親友在馬處理善後事宜。  近年來,每年均有多起中國公民溺亡事件在馬發生。今年以來,已有4名中國遊客在馬溺亡。鑒於春節長假將帶來中國公民赴馬旅遊的高峰,中國駐馬爾代夫使館再次發出緊急特別提醒:  請來馬中國遊客務必注意水上活動安全,結伴而行,相互照應,初次涉水須接受必要培訓並做好各項準備,特別是參加浮潛活動需熟練掌握設備使用方法並時刻穿戴救生衣。  如遇緊急情況,請及時報警並與中國駐馬爾代夫使館聯繫,使館領事保護協助電話:00960-7458160。來馬旅遊前請瀏覽中國駐馬爾代夫使館網站:mv.china-embassy.org或 mv.chineseembassy.org。迷你倉旺角


self storage專業不重要,圖的是熱鬧李佩明雖然已年過六十,但熟悉她的年輕人都叫她"佩姐"。臨近年關,佩姐很忙,她和老公正在排練一個聯唱表演節目,要上美國大孟菲斯華人聯合會舉辦的華人春晚。位於美國田納西州的孟菲斯也許不是一個很有名的城市,但說起孟菲斯的華人春晚,在全美華人圈里早就小有名氣了。一是辦得早,2002年就開始了;二是規模大,每年大年三十安排兩場,每場都有近2000人參加。歌舞、樂器、武術表演加相聲小品,非常喜慶熱鬧。2002年剛籌備晚會時,大伙都覺得,當時孟菲斯雖然有很多華人,但到了春節都沒有活動,也沒有春節氣氛,很有必要在異國他鄉辦一台像春晚一樣的節目,把華人們凝聚起來。如今,孟菲斯的華人春晚早已家喻戶曉,"春晚後還有晚餐招待,有餃子,有中餐館贊助的中式點心和飯菜等,讓大家在過年時有一種家的感覺。"遠方的格魯吉亞同樣熱鬧。1月18日,在格魯吉亞投資興業的中國企業商賈、華僑華人代表以及中國使館工作人員,舉辦了一場特別的山寨版春節聯歡晚會。中資商企、華僑華人、漢語教學大學生志願者和使館工作人員踴躍登場,編排匯演了集獨唱、齊唱、獨舞、群舞、街舞、健身操、時裝秀、快板書、相聲、脫口秀、小品、器樂獨奏、詩朗誦等於一台的山寨版春節聯歡晚會,心向祖國、思念親人、錡望新絲路的主題穿插整台演出。雖然不專業,但大家圖的就是身在異鄉,猶有親人在旁的熱鬧。地點不重要,講的是傳播天津楊柳青年畫、木偶藝術劇院演出、泥人張、中國剪紙、書法、古琴演奏……美國藝術博物館1月25日在華盛頓舉辦"中國新年家庭日"活動,受到民�熱烈追捧。中國民間藝人展示的木偶、皮影、年畫和泥人等民俗技藝,不僅讓在美華僑華人一解鄉愁,更讓很多從沒到過中國的本土民�對中國傳統民俗"一見傾心"。每年春節前後,華盛頓各界都會舉辦多場年味十足的文化活動,今年的熱鬧程度"更上層樓"。當天的"中國新年家庭日"活動由中國駐美使館與美國藝術博物館共同舉辦,中國駐美大使崔天凱現場為舞獅"點睛"。活動吸引逾2000名當地民�參加,讓組織方大呼"想不到"。在現場,美國民�對燈籠製作、書法等特別感興趣,一名學習製作燈籠的美國寶寶才一歲半。中國書法的展位前大排長龍,不少美國家庭都要"求墨寶"。家住弗吉尼亞州的雪莉和她4歲的孫女利維亞是第一次近距離感受中國民俗。雪莉說,她喜歡剪紙和年畫,利維亞則喜歡更為熱鬧的舞獅表演。在奶奶的建議下,利維亞拿了一本"漫畫春節"的書打算回家看看。為了吸引中國遊客,美國芝加哥今年將首次在全市舉行一系列慶祝中國新年的活動,內容包括海軍碼頭煙火、梅西百貨春節櫥窗展等。芝加哥方面稱,希望該城的春節慶祝活動發展成為全美最大的同類慶祝活動,"這樣標誌性的活動會吸引來更多的遊客,讓芝加哥成為國際旅遊的焦點。"另一個美國城市———紐約的"年味兒"也越來越濃。為迎接農曆馬年的到來,紐約各大梅西百貨公司于1月23日到2月6日推出一系列農曆新年慶祝活動,比如在曼哈頓34街先驅廣場的梅西百貨,雅詩蘭黛專櫃首次推迷利倉了以馬年為主題的紅色禮品袋。雅詩蘭黛業務代表說:"很多消費者都是華人,為回饋他們的友好,我們特別推出了這一活動。"原料不重要,吃的是味道隨著中國春節在紐約逐漸升溫,越來越多的美國人選擇到中餐館吃"年夜飯"。今年,紐約各華人餐廳"年夜飯"的預訂格外火爆,這不僅是因為當地華裔社區不斷壯大,也與越來越多當地美國人喜歡在春節期間吃年夜飯有關。紐約一家中餐館的行政經理譚先生接受美國中文電視採訪時稱:"年三十晚上的時候,我們的大廳和VIP房將全部爆滿,在一個月前都訂了。因為今年是馬年,都是以馬為主題,馬到功成,還有很多意頭菜都推出來。"另一家餐館的行政總廚也表示:"預訂基本上都滿了,三十、初一、初二都滿了。一些外國人現在也能感受春節的氣氛,也會來這邊吃年夜飯。"據介紹,近幾年,春節期間預訂年夜飯一年比一年火爆,為了滿足大家吃"年夜飯"的需求,餐館只好一直"翻桌"。泰國《世界日報》報道稱,從1月17日起至2月12日,泰國普吉幻多奇觀光園區將舉辦"中國春節慶祝"大型活動。活動期間,園區內佈置成唐人街,並舉行中國文化表演與中華美食展銷,還將以模型展現曼穀主要景點。幻多奇內的餐廳也將推出春節新菜單,包括生薑蒸魚、紅燒肉、四川釀豆腐等,使中國遊客春節期間在異國他鄉也能吃到家鄉的味道。年貨備足好過年高高掛起的大紅燈籠,龍飛鳳舞的對聯,精緻美觀的中國結……在紐約華人聚居的華埠,寒冷的天氣並沒有破壞當地華人的興致,即使氣溫驟降,大雪紛飛,前來華人商店、超市選購年貨的市民依舊爆滿。盡管身在海外,但他們依舊選擇具有中國特色的商品,賀年糖果、吉祥飾物等貨攤前,商家們各個忙得不亦樂乎。與紐約華埠相比,在新加坡唐人街里,馬年燈飾則成了最為熱銷的商品之一。這些燈飾上畫著形態各異的駿馬,體現萬馬奔騰的豪放,同時也體現了對2014馬年奔向幸福的憧憬。一些獨具"中國風"的菜品在年貨中更是必不可少。在美國洛杉磯聖蓋博市的一家華人連鎖超市里,除一些傳統的糖果禮包、水果籃子等應景的年貨之外,還特意推出了年夜飯預訂服務,各式菜品更是別具風味:"年年有餘"、"富貴滿堂"、"荷塘月色"等,無論是菜名還是口感都沿襲了中國傳統,無一不吸引著顧客的眼球。除了豔麗喜慶的傳統商品之外,"高端大氣上檔次"的洋年貨也是海外華人超市內熱銷的商品。"現在過年大家都想吃點特別的,雞鴨鵝這些已經不能滿足家人對年夜飯的期待了"。來自澳大利亞的華人張小姐說,這一次,她不僅在附近中餐館預訂了獅子頭、東坡肉等中國菜,還買了丹麥的豬肋排、阿拉斯加的黑鱈魚以及智利的帝王蟹。世界各地的美味通通匯聚在張小姐的餐桌之上,她的冰箱儼然走起了"國際範"。為了買到更為正宗的中國特產,許多海外的華僑華人還特意囑咐國內的親屬將年貨郵寄給他們。"這裡的華人超市雖然也有各種年貨,但口味並不正宗,我讓父母在老家買了一些大白兔奶糖、旺旺仙貝等兒時最愛吃的東西郵寄過來,這種熟悉的味道是在華人超市里找不到的。"旅西華人萬小姐說。(據《人民日報海外版》)迷你倉

Hong Kong imposes first sanctions on the Philippines

Measures prompted by Manila's refusal to apologize for the 2010 hostage crisisBy Kahon Chan in Hong Kongkahon@chinadailyhk.儲存com The Hong Kong government on Wednesday imposed its first sanctions on the Philippines — citing its concern over the country's refusal to officially apologize for the 2010 Manila hostage crisis.The measures mean diplomatic and official passport holders from the Philippines will now have to apply for a visa to enter Hong Kong from Feb 5.These are Hong Kong's first-ever sanctions applied to a country. Announcing the sanctions on Wednesday, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said the sanctions are supported by not only the central government, but also survivors and families of the victims of the Manila hostage crisis.The tragedy occurred when eight Hong Kong tourists were killed after a 10-hour siege of their tourist coach in Manila on Aug 23, 2010. After an investigation found the rescue efforts were poorly planned and executed, survivors demanded the Philippine government make a formal apology.Leung first presented these demands directly to Philippine President Benigno Aquino III during an APEC meeting in Bali, Indonesia, last October. About a month later, Leung fixed a one-month deadline for his demands to be met.Although Manila has since made "positive" suggestions on three of the four demands, such as compensation, Leung said the latest stance by Manila on Monday regarding the apology was "unacceptable"."Despite many rounds of discussion, there remains a substantive difference between us on this most important demand," Leung said. He did not elaborate, but earlier reports suggest Aquino is re迷你倉uctant to apologize "on behalf of the country".Ending visa-free access permission for Philippine diplomats and officials will have no impact on most Philippine visitors. Only about 700 Filipinos, out of a total of 705,319 who came to Hong Kong in 2013, entered the city with diplomatic or official passports.Other Philippine passport holders will still enjoy a visa-free stay in Hong Kong for up to 14 days after Feb 5.Leung said the measures were "just and justified". He said he still hopes further progress can be made. "As good progress had been made with regard to the three of the four demands, we believe with further effort, a resolution on the final demand could also be made."No deadline was set along with the first sanctions, but Leung said Hong Kong has not ruled out further measures.Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Wednesday the central government supported efforts made by Hong Kong to resolve the Manila hostage crisis. She said the issue was very important to all Chinese people."We urge the Philippines to face squarely the concerns of the victims and their families, to show sincerity and solve the relevant issues at an early date," Hua said after a press conference.The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs did not comment on Wednesday. Diego Cagahastian, a spokesman for the Manila city government, expressed concern at the impact the sanctions might have on Hong Kong's relations with the Philippines.But Tse Chi-kin, elder brother of deceased tour guide Masa Tse, said the sanctions were a "breakthrough". He told Now TV the families hope the impact on ordinary people will be kept to a minimum.self storage


mini storage bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2014-01/30/content_147328.htm...各區縣各部門傳達學習貫徹總書記批示精神 以改革創新促進經濟社會全面發展 本報訊 一年之計在於春。節前,本市各區縣各部門認真傳達...迷你倉

2014年1月28日 星期二


迷你倉  本報杭州1月28日訊  記者 李倩  一隻三星手機、一隻蘋果手機,外加一個三星平板電腦,在駕駛位前錯落排開,脖子上掛著兩張大小形狀都很相似的卡片,分別印著"快的打車"和"嘀嘀打車"的支付二維碼,遇上乘客沒裝打車軟件的,還能迅速從座椅下方的置物箱里摸出一個隨身wifi……杭州的哥王樂義的這些配置幾乎成了越來越多出租車司機的標配。  在爭議聲中一路披荊斬棘,打車軟件"南快的、北嘀嘀"的格局初定。最近,因為各自找到了站隊"大佬",兩家軟件終於進入"捉對廝殺"的激烈巷戰。暴力搶奪市場的背後,是阿里和騰訊兩巨頭對生活服務市場和無線端的爭奪戰。  "燒"出血路  打車軟件在加足馬力搶奪市場。  王樂義在杭州做了8年的出租車司機。去年1月,快的打車的團隊主動幫他裝上了快的打車軟件,並贈送了車載充電器、數據線等小禮品,還手把手地傳授如何使用軟件接單。  隨後,嘀嘀打車也找上了王師傅。"剛開始的時候,嘀嘀不用接單,只要每天在線6個小時以上,每星期就可獲得40塊錢的話費獎勵。快的也差不多。"  數月之後,嘀嘀和快的改變獎勵方式,要求司機接單後才可獲得獎勵。"每接一單,最高獎勵100元,最低10元。司機可以到嘀嘀領取購物卡或者現金,也可以選擇用來充話費,快的打車則直接把錢打到我們的銀行賬戶上。"王師傅說。  而就在這幾天,2014年剛開頭,支付寶綁定快的,微信聯手嘀嘀,各自吆喝著補貼返現。兩家軟件公司不僅對司機有獎勵,乘客打的每單也可獲10元獎勵。在嘀嘀南下、快的北伐後快速鋪路全國,我們看到一場打車軟件燒錢大戲進入了肉搏階段。  嘀嘀和快的成立均只有一年左右,收入完全為零。但兩家公司支出加起來已近億。  快的打車來自阿里巴巴的投資,而嘀嘀背靠的是騰訊這棵大樹。"燒錢無所謂,這就是互聯網模式。"快的COO趙冬稱,快的每個月淨支出幾百萬,但短期沒有停止補貼的打算,至少還要燒個半年一年。而嘀嘀則乾脆承認,我們目前還看不清盈利模式。"但誰先收錢誰先死,這場仗沒有打贏之前不考慮盈利。"業內人士認為,資本的追捧直接導致打車軟件圈地大戰,因為在這樣的領域,做第二名都是危險的。  巨頭的陽謀  "馬雲真是天才哦!搞出這些花頭精,弄得我像做傳銷一樣,天天給他宣傳。"王樂義口中的宣傳,是自從快的開始補貼接單司機之後,每上來一個乘客,他都會介紹他們下載App應用。  在不少的哥看來,騰訊、阿里就是兩冤大頭,投資了兩家不掙錢的創業公司,苦哈哈地給司機造福利。  "習慣很重要!騰迷你倉沙田阿里更加深遠的目的是通過打車App應用培養用戶的線下支付行為。"某電子商務分析師表示,作為結合了LBS位置服務、線上線下融合場景和大規模移動支付需求的產物,打車軟件成為巨頭測試其O2O能力和滲透率的絕佳工具,也為未來更多O2O業務提供了接口。  在巨頭們看來,他們需要的遠不止打車軟件與運營商談好價格後的一點點流量分成,而是以打車軟件為入口將集團產品進一步對接後產生的閉環,以及用戶對軟件產生較強黏性後的"想象空間"。  此前,快的打車在2013年獲得了來自阿里集團上億美元的兩輪投資。另一方面,嘀嘀打車也獲得騰訊1億美元注資,隨後上線"微信支付"。  易觀分析師王健認為,打車軟件市場作為公共交通資源具有一定程度的壟斷性,隨著政府政策的逐步完善,將越來越受到行業的關注。同時,O2O已成為互聯網行業的大勢所趨,打車O2O模式今後將大範圍地應用于其他領域。就目前來看,代駕、租車等模仿打車模式的O2O應用已經走入了生活服務領域。  誰是受益人  "現在不加價,幾乎很難用軟件打到車。如果在酒店,寧可讓前台用電召平台叫車,靠譜,也不加價。"住在城西的杭州白領蔡小姐這樣說。  用打車軟件到底能不能叫到車,的哥王樂義說:"有客在路邊,肯定是先做路邊的生意;如果沒客人,又正好有人軟件叫車,那就最好了;為了多5塊、10塊的,專門去搶那些加價的訂單,不值得。"  但讓人不愉快的情況還是在發生,比如杭州有不少微信車隊,最早做的都是普通訂單生意,後來變得非遠程或機場訂單不接。  "加價也好補貼也好,都是商家的自主行為,這方面我們無力插手。"杭州運管部門負責人表示。  但事實上,各地政府都在著手規範加價行為,深圳、北京都曾先後傳出打車軟件被叫停的新聞。"不過,現在全國各地的快的打車都在正常運行,政府並沒有明令禁止。"趙冬說,"當然如果政府明確規定不允許加價,我們也會在這個地區客戶端中關閉加價功能。"  相比起來,杭州的叫車電話28811111統一電召平台沒有加價功能,但人氣冷清。"電召平台訂單量非常有限,使用也不太便利,現在電召平台都是在虧本運營,對出租車公司來說其實是個負擔。"趙冬稱。  已經有一些地方政府有了介入打車軟件行業的意向,將原先的電召平台與軟件對接起來。"各地政府都認為打車軟件確實可以解決一部分打車難的問題,他們也想把這項便民服務做好,我們也在積極配合,接下來會做技術對接。政府建立一個統一的叫車平台規則,在這個規則下,各個軟件再發展各自的用戶。"趙冬透露。迷你倉價錢

Analysis of the Global Enclosures and Cabinets Market in Key Process Industries

NEW YORK, Jan.文件倉 28, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:Analysis of the Global Enclosures and Cabinets Market in Key Process Industries.reportlinker.com/p01983342/Analysis-of-the-Global-Enclosures-and-Cabinets-Market-in-Key-Process-Industries.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Office_and_Storage_FurnitureIncreased Safety and Regulations Spur Demand for Branded EnclosuresThis research study covers the market scenario for global enclosures and cabinets in key process industries. Globally, enclosures and cabinets is a highly fragmented market and highly influenced by regional vendors owing to price competitiveness. The increased safety awareness, enhanced service aspects, and holistic solutions attract end users towards branded enclosures and cabinets which are attested by several international safety standards and supplied by very few key market participants across the globe. Market drivers, restraints, and forecasts for different geographical regions are included as is the CEO's 360 Degree Perspective. This study provides market insights using a base year of 2012 and a study period from 2009 to 2019.Executive Summary--The enclosures and cabinets market's size for the base year (2012) is $Xmillion, and the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of X% from 2012 to 2019.--During the forecast period, the enclosures and cabinets market in oil and gas, food and beverages, and pharmaceuticals is heavily influenced by the increasing demand for automation and control solutions.--There is an increasing need for process intelligence to support quicker ROI* and for decision making based on real-time data to be more agile in dynamic market conditions. This propels the need for end-to-end automation solutions.--Unconventional shale gas and tight oil, followed by Canadian oil sands and deep water discoveries, triggered new opportunities in the oil and gas market.--For hygienic industries, the evolving Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations necessitate the new automation infrastructure requirement.--During the forecast period, an upswing for branded enclosures and cabinets will occur because end users started placing high priority on quality, which plays a significant role in end-user purchase behavior.--The major tailwind-like trend toward optimization, the digital oil field, and asset management in the oil and gas industry has potential implications for branded enclosures and cabinets.--The modernization trend, compliance to FDA regulations, increased visualization needs such as human-machine interface (HMI), and traceability requirements such as radio-frequency identification (RFID) in hygienic industries have a positive impact on investments in process automation and support the market growth for enclosures and cabinets.--There is a increasing demand for custom enclosures with possible built-in components upfront due to tighter project schedules and cost-reduction practices.--Hygienic industries are also anticipated to deploy more National Electrical Manufactures Association (NEMA) 4X type enclosures and at the same time to prefer aesthetic appeal.--Though there is great regional competition, an increasing market is made possible through partnering with major end users in key markets to provide equipment protection solutions across the world by addressing the critical safety and quality standards.--Creating awareness among end users about recent technological advances in enclosures and cabinets is projected to be a major challenge for manufacturers.CEO's Perspective1. There is a increasing demand for custom enclosures with possible built-in components upfront due to harsher environments and cost-reduction practices.2. Competitive forces create an increase in the adoption of non-metallic enclosures in hygienic and outdoor applications.3. Safety regulatory changes and new investments存倉that drive the enclosures market should be watched out for in oil and gas, food and beverages, and pharmaceuticals.4. Economic uncertainty looms large, as the enclosures market tends to see the effect at least 6 months before the actual recession.5. Product pricing and closeness to end-user preferences play major roles in the enclosures market. Hence, the major participants should focus on holistic intelligent solutions.Market Overview--DefinitionsProduct Definition:Enclosures and Cabinets:Enclosures and cabinets are industrial panels used to mount electrical or electronic equipment, switches, knobs, and displays with sufficient electrical shock-proof features to safe guard users as well as to protect the equipment from high temperatures or from a corrosive industrial environment. Apart from the equipment mounting and safety/protection purposes, enclosures and cabinets are also designed to be aesthetically pleasing. Many regulations dictate the features and performance of enclosures for electrical equipment in hazardous areas, such as petrochemical plants and coal mines. A typical standard might dictate the ratings for enclosures and cabinets that provide protection against environmental hazards such as water, dust, oil, or coolant, or atmospheres containing corrosive agents such as acetylene or gasoline.End-user Definitions:Oil and Gas:The oil and gas industry encompasses all companies involved in the exploration, production, and transportation of oil and gas. This includes the upstream, midstream, and downstream processes.Pharmaceuticals:This sector includes establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing biological and medicinal products; processing (grading, grinding, and milling) botanical drugs and herbs; isolating active medicinal principles from botanical drugs and herbs; and manufacturing pharmaceutical products intended for internal and external consumption in forms, such as ampoules, tablets, capsules, vials, ointments, powders, solutions, and suspensions.Food and Beverages:The food segment consists of manufacturing plants that produce food products for immediate or final consumption. This includes (but is not limited to) industries involved with live stock or agricultural-based foods, baked goods, confectionary items. The beverage segment consists of manufacturers of all forms of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.Key Questions This Study Will AnswerIs the market growing, how long will it continue to grow, and at what rate?Are the existing competitors structured correctly to meet customer needs?Is this an industry or a market? Will these companies/products/services continue to exist, or will they get acquired by other companies? Will the products/services become features in other markets?What are the top requirements customers in the enclosures and cabinets market are looking for?Are the products/services offered today meeting customer needs, or is there additional development needed?Are the vendors in the space ready to go it alone, or do they need partnerships to take their businesses to the next level?Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Market Overview3. Total Enclosures and Cabinets Market for Key Process Industrieso External Challenges: Drivers and Restraintso Forecasts and Trendso Market Share and Competitive Analysiso Mega Trends and Industry Convergence Implications4. CEO's 360 Degree Perspective5. NA Breakdown6. EMEA Breakdown7. APAC Breakdown8. ROW Breakdown9. Forecast Period Trends--From an Analyst's Viewpoint10. The Last Word11. AppendixTo order this report: Analysis of the Global Enclosures and Cabinets Market in Key Process Industries .reportlinker.com/p01983342/Analysis-of-the-Global-Enclosures-and-Cabinets-Market-in-Key-Process-Industries.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Office_and_Storage_Furniture__________________________Contact Clare: clare@reportlinker.com US: (339)-368-6001Intl: +1 339-368-6001ReportlinkerWeb site: .reportlinker.com/儲存



全國版) - (外交部:不能單以免簽國數量評判中國護照含金量 幾個免簽國 既不窮又不亂

迷你倉價錢新華社北京1月28日電 外交部領事司司長黃屏28日在新聞發佈會上表示,中國護照"含金量"不能單從互免簽証的國家數量來評判。黃屏介紹說,目前中國與81個國家簽署了有關互免簽証的協定,其中與聖馬力諾、塞舌爾、毛里求斯、巴哈馬的互免簽証協定適用于持普通護照中國公民。"這幾個國家既不窮又不亂。巴哈馬、聖馬力諾、塞舌爾的人均GDP均超過中國。毛里求斯也是著名的旅遊勝地。它們都是風景秀麗、旅遊業發達的國家。"黃屏說。他說,評判一個國家的護照含金量要從兩方面看,第一是持護照出境方不方便,二是持護照人在境外遇到麻煩時能不能得到及時的保護和協助。互免簽証只是簽証便利當中的一種。目前,除了4個互免持普通護照迷你倉最平員簽証國家,還有6個國家單方面有條件地給予持普通護照中國公民免簽入境待遇,35個國家和地區有條件地允許持普通護照中國公民在抵達入境口岸時申請辦理落地簽。此外,很多國家也與中國達成互發多次簽証安排,或者採取簡化手續、加快辦理時間等措施,為中國公民申辦簽証提供更多便利。黃屏說,目前與中國互免簽証國家少的情況也有其歷史原因。中國是近幾年出境公民人次才開始成千萬地增長,很多國家對中國人大規模到來還沒有準備好,法律法規建立在原有基礎上,進行修改不是一朝一夕的事情。黃屏表示,領事司還將繼續加大商簽互免簽証協定的力度,爭取年內簽署中泰互免簽証協定,不斷推動一時難以免簽的國家對中國公民盡可能提供便捷服務。迷你倉


新蒲崗迷你倉 鍾婆婆上月初參加一間旅行社的《廣東河源九連山溫泉渡假山莊》兩天團,浸溫泉時突昏迷。但內地導遊在個多小時後始到達,由酒店駐場醫生急救,縣市醫生與救護車遲遲未見,到場後指鍾婆婆已不治。死者親屬不知旅行社沒領隊隨團,懷疑因內地導遊沒及時支援令婆婆失救。旅遊業僱員總工會指2010年起旅行社為減低成本吸客,逐步取消外遊領隊帶團,改由當地導遊兼任,團友發生意外時便求助無門。迷你倉


迷你倉 digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2014-01/29/content_245258.htm?div=-1...EMC公司近日與北京電視台聯合宣佈,由EMC技術支撐的北京電視台新媒體雲平台成功投入使用。這是廣電行業第一個按雲計算模式建成的制、...迷你倉將軍澳


晨報訊(記者孫雨)在騰訊成為第二大股東後,擁有金山毒霸、獵豹瀏覽 器等以安全業務為主的金山網絡開始變得後勁十足。昨日,已在香港上市的金山軟件,宣佈已于上月就分拆信息安全軟件業務(金山網絡)赴美國納斯達克或紐交所上市。公告顯示,其信息安全軟件業務目前由KIS及其附屬公司運作,該公司在開曼群島註冊成立;公告還顯示,金山軟件目前直接持有KIS已發行股份的54.迷你倉最平09% 實際上,對於金山網絡準備獨立上市,業界認為去年騰訊的入股給其打了一劑強心針。早在2010年,業內就傳出金山信息安全軟件業務醞釀上市的消息,但隨後隨著金山網絡內部的變動以及360的迅速發展,讓上市計劃杳無消息迷你倉去年,金山軟件宣佈與騰訊共同增持金山網絡,交易完成後,金山軟件、騰訊及管理層將各持KIS約54%、18%及13.5%的股權,騰訊成為金山網絡僅次于金山軟件的第二大股東。此外,2010年從360走馬上任的金山網絡CEO傅盛,近兩年打造出的獵豹瀏覽器、金山手機殺毒等產品也讓金山網絡業務變得富有想象力。不久前,傅盛對金山網絡的尷尬地位坦言,金山集團總共有三個"兒子":老大是WPS,是整個公司的看家之本;老三是西山居(金山軟件的遊戲業務),體量不大,但最賺錢;只有金山毒霸上下兩不靠,地位非常尷尬。不過,如今的金山網絡整體收入已經接近西山居,未來也會成為金山集團中最賺錢的業務。新蒲崗迷你倉

++本周ソ殿堂01 / Porsche Design P’9982

Porsche,是不少男士的夢想座駕;BlackBerry,是不少事業男性慣用的手機,兩者crossover起來,即是這部Porsche Design P'9982,或者就是一部事業型男士的夢想手機!其實今次已經是BlackBerry第二次跟Porsche Design合作推出特別版手機,與上代P'9981相比,P'9982的功能及規格得到全面的升級,包括支援4G網絡、配備雙核心1.文件倉5GHz處理器、800萬像素鏡頭,以及擁有2GB RAM與64GB儲存空間等。亦由於P'9982改用全觸控的BlackBerry 10.2 OS,機身毋須加裝實體鍵盤,故有容間容納較大的4.2吋高清屏幕,操控方式亦與一般智能手機無異。不過說到底,此機的最大召號始終是名氣與外表,所以它一如之前的波士手機,在機頂高調地刻上「Porsche Design」字樣,其機身亦用上線條硬朗的金屬外殼,令整個造型剛陽得有如Porsche辣跑。它的機背還鋪上了一層意大利真皮,屏幕又被加上耐刮的藍寶石玻璃,再提高手機貴氣之餘,亦起到保護功效。說到價錢方面,這種手機當然不能單純以規格來衡量,所以其規格雖只屬於中階,但淨機價卻接近$18,000!然而,享用這部手機也算是一種負擔得起的奢華,總比瘋狂時期搶買炒逾萬元的iPhone來得實際,所彰顯出的品味,亦比「土豪金」更勝一籌!text•se7en photo•Yin art•fan 貴氣波子黑莓Porsche Design P'9982 •售價:$17,880•系統:BlackBerry 10.2•屏幕:4.2" 768x1,280•處理器:雙核心1.5GHz•記憶體:2GB RAM、64GB ROM•鏡頭:800萬像素•網絡:LTE•體積:131x65.6x9.5mm•重量:140g•查詢:1O1O 2988 1010 SWAROVSKI加持 02 / SUGAR SS129 SUGAR SS129 •售價:$4,880•系統:Android 4.2.2•屏幕:5" Full HD•處理器:四核心1.5GHz•鏡頭:1,300萬像素•記憶體:2GB RAM、32GB ROM•查詢:Qool 3106 3338 若說Porsche Design P'9982是男人的dream phone,可能女人的dream phone就是這部SUGAR SS129。其代理稱呼它為「Made with SWAROVSKI PURE BRILLIANCE首飾手機」,全因它以「天空之鏡」作設計概念,在機身加上129顆SWAROVSKI閃石,合共5.16卡,而且過程是全人工鑲嵌及打磨,確實極像一件首飾,女士們當然受不釋手。然而,其規格也絲毫不弱,配備四核心處理器、Sharp全高清屏幕及Sony 1,300萬像素機背鏡頭,能與一般頂班Android手機看齊。而且其機價也不過是$4,880,推廣期間還附送價值$1,688的限量版香水瓶耳環及頸鏈,實屬一件超值首飾。text•se7en photo•se7en art•fan 強化吸塵機械人 03 / Mamirobot KF7 就快到年廿八,趕�大掃除、忙得不可開交的朋友,不妨買這個近期從韓國到港的加強版Mamirobot KF7行貨幫一幫手。其用法跟之前的Mamirobot吸塵機相同,但今次它再被加入話音自動導航系統,連人手操作也不用,只須將它放在地板上,它便會自動依你的語音指令走遍全屋,為你同時吸塵兼拖地;當遇到家俬障礙時,它更會自動轉向。而且它只高9cm,連梳化底、櫃底等地方都去到。此外,它還附設一個無線手提吸塵器,可藉此吸家俬罅隙�的塵埃,以補Mamirobot的不足,整套存倉亦提供5色選擇,方便配襯家居顏色。 text•se7en photo•Yanki art•fan Mamirobot KF7 •售價:$3,280•容量:550ml•體積:35x9cm•2.8kg•查詢:Mamirobot 3153 2570 text•se7en art•fan 金色賀歲 04 / LG G2 不能否認,自從iPhone 5s「土豪金」版大收旺場之後,多了廠商加推金色版手機,最新登場便有LG G2香檳金別注版,與黑及白原色版相比,的確增添了貴氣及吉祥寓意,很適合過年時帶�它四出拜年。而且G2的最大賣點在於按鈕設於機背的新穎設計,操控時更易引人注意它的機背轉了新色。 售價:$5,198(32GB)查詢:LG 3543 7777 傳播喜慶 05 / UE MINI BOOM 新正頭拜年時想增加喜慶氣氛的話,不妨播點歡樂音樂,而最方便又夠大聲的播歌方法,當然是用手機加流動喇叭。Ultimate Ears(UE)最近便推出了新款藍牙便攜音箱MINI BOOM,體型比一隻手掌還要小,但不論高音或低音都有一定水準。它本身能連接多達8部流動裝置,反之,流動裝置安裝了官方程式,更能同時間連接兩個MINI BOOM,營造突出立體聲效果。 售價:$799查詢:Thinking Group 2955 1000 打機利器 06 / CM Storm Ceres 300 或許有些game迷已打算整個新年假期都留在家中打機,在對戰戰場上跟朋友拜年,這樣就不妨先買副新gaming耳機,以作好長期作戰準備。知名遊戲配件品牌CM Storm新推出的Ceres 300多功能耳筒,特別減輕了重量及加厚耳墊,令用家配戴得更加舒服。而且它配備40mm驅動單元,能呈現出清晰及寬廣的打機音效;其全向性麥克風亦能確保game迷在對戰時能與戰友穩定通訊。 售價:$199查詢:Microworks 2950 0175 袋袋相安 07 / Hellolulu Camera bag 過年少不免有人會外遊,拍攝旅行相除了須要相機外,還須要相機袋。近期Hellolulu就推出了全新相機袋系列,共提供大中細3款尺寸選擇,但即使是最細size那款,也足以容納無反DC連餅鏡,而且可作腰包使用,最大那款則連iPad也放得落。顏色方面,小及中兩款共有黑、橘、灰、深藍及卡其5隻色,大袋亦有黑、橘及灰3色選擇。 售價:$368(小)、$488(中)、$688(大)查詢:Hellolulu 3118 2892 經典進化 08 /Sony Walkman NWZ-ZX1 Sony Walkman系列是長存的經典,近來她準備轉戰高階流動播放器市場,將於2月正式推出擁有高解析度的NWZ-ZX1。它配備OMAP 4 Coretex-A9 1GHz雙核處理器,兼內置最新的S-Master HX數碼擴音器,能穩定運算及輸出196KHz/24bit格式的FLAC、Apple Lossless及AIFF高階歌曲檔,音質比CD高出6倍,相信是發燒友追捧的新品。 售價:$5,680(128GB)查詢:Sony 2345 2966 動作感應 09 / Jabra Motion UC 大忙人很須要藍牙耳機,而且對它們的功能愈來愈有要求,促使廠商不停與時並進。藍牙耳機大牌Jabra最近推出的Motion UC,便內置了獨有的運動傳感器及智能麥克風,能根據用家的細微動作,自動調校耳機的不同功能,例如行走時會提高音量、放下耳機時就會進入休眠狀態等。而且它支援藍牙4.0技術及具備NFC功能,配對比舊款更加容易。 售價:$1,590查詢:Jabra 3550 9900儲存


24小時迷你倉(打巴27日訊)打巴警方在過去3年共取締55間非法電腦賭博中心,起獲956台總值95萬6000令吉的賭博機,並逮捕了58名男子。打巴警區主任宋薩週一與打巴警局刑事調查組主任納茲禮及警官哈迪,在記者會上宣佈這項好消息。宋薩說,警方非常關注非法賭博活動,因此多次展開取締行動,還成功打擊多宗非法賭博活動及取締非法賭博電腦中心。"警方在2013年共取締了25間非法電腦賭博中心,起獲266台賭博機及逮捕31人,是3年內最多收獲的一年。""58名被逮捕的男子,年齡介於20歲至40歲。"宋薩也說,被取締的非法電腦賭博中心分別位於美羅、宋溪、亞逸君令和地摩。吁民眾勿參與非法賭博他提到,這些非法電腦賭博中心都設在店舖,而且大門經常深鎖,還會僱用看守員及設有閉路電視,以防警員上門時,他們可以來得及逃走。"大部分被逮捕的人士都有相同罪案的前科,即觸犯了1953年公開賭博法令4B條文和6條文。他們之後將被控上法庭。"宋薩呼吁民眾勿參與非法賭博活動,同時為人父母者應時刻注意孩子在外的行徑,以防他們涉及不法活動。另一方面,他說,宋溪啟明華小兩名沒交功課的學生上週五被老師罰挂鈴鐺和吃草事件已告一段落,希望各界人士勿放大或渲染此事。他說,事發當天,警方接獲投報後便派員調查,同時還與當事人、父母親迷你倉旺角校長、副校長及巫青代表等相關人士會面,而涉案老師之後也承認確有此事,並已道歉還獲得雙方接受。"據我所知,該老師將會被調職。這事件並沒有牽涉到刑事因素,只是紀律問題。"宋薩也指,農曆新年即至,民眾若要出遠門,應到鄰近的警局報備,以便警方能加強巡邏,防範罪案。"讓人欣慰是所報備的無人看管屋子並沒有發生破門行竊罪案,這證明了居民提前報備確能讓警方提高關注。"(LSL)獨居漢疑遭劫殺警捕3嫌犯打巴警區主任宋薩透露,去年12月31日發生的獨居印裔中年男子疑遭劫殺案,打巴警方已逮捕一名與死者相識的印裔羅里泊車場看守員(20多歲)與兩名同黨協助調查。他說,嫌犯落網後,供出了兩名同黨。"事發當天,嫌犯與兩名同黨前往死者位於美羅某花園的住家破門行竊,沒有意圖致死死者。""警方於事發隔天在嫌犯工作的地點將他逮捕歸案。"宋薩說,嫌犯將在刑事法典394條文,即搶劫罪名下被控上安順法庭,另兩名同黨則已獲保釋。這起案件是於去年12月31日早上9時30分,發生在美羅公主英達花園。死者是54歲的羅里司機拉惹奈甘,他疑是遭到劫殺,臥屍在住家後廳。事發當天早上,鄰居看見死者住家後門被撬開,多次叫喚死者卻得不到回應,於是通知死者好友前來查看,最後發現死者雙手被捆綁,臥屍在住家後廳,房間則有被搜索的痕跡。;mini storage

Corus Entertainment Receives CRTC Approval on the Acquisition of Ottawa Radio Stations CKQB-FM and CJOT-FM

TORONTO, Jan.迷你倉新蒲崗 28, 2014 /PRNewswire/ - Today, Corus Entertainment Inc. ("Corus" or "the Company") announced that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission ("CRTC") has approved the Company's acquisition of the Ottawa radio stations CKQB-FM (106.9 The BEAR) and CJOT-FM (boom 99.7). The acquisition will close on January 31, 2014."We are pleased with the CRTC's decision and excited about Corus' entry into the fourth largest English radio market in Canada," said John Cassaday, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Operating in Ottawa has been a long-stated goal for Corus and the acquisition of CKQB-FM and CJOT-FM strengthens our position in Canada's major markets."Corus has established a Montreal-based management team led by Mario Cecchini, President, Corus Media & Head of Eastern Ontario, Radio and Television. In addition to overseeing Corus' Quebec-based specialty services, Mr. Cecchini will also be responsible for Corus' eastern Ontario radio and local television stations, including the Ottawa radio stations.The purchase price for both stations is $13 million Cdn. Corus has committed to investing approximately $1 million Cdn. in tangible benefits for radio content development, support for Canadian talent, and training initiatives.About Corus Entertainment Inc. Corus Entertainment Inc. is a Canadian-based media and entertainment company that creates, broadcasts and licenses content across a variety of platforms for audiences around the world. The Company's portfolio of multimedia offerings encompasses specialty television and radio with additional assets in pay television, television broadcasting, children's book publishing, children's animation and animation software. Corus' brands include YTV, TELETOON, ABC Spark, W Network, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network (Canada), HBO Canada, Historia and Series+, as well as Nelvana, Kids Can Press, Toon Boom and 37 radio stations including CKNW AM 980, 99.3 The FOX, Country 105, 630 CHED, Fresh FM London, Q107 and 102.1 the Edge. A publicly traded company, Corus is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (CJR.B). Experience Corus on the web at .corusent.com.This press release contains forward looking information and should be read subject to the following cautionary language:To the extent any statements made in this report contain information that is not historical, these statements are forward looking statements and may be forward looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws (collectively, "forward looking statements").These forward looking statements related to, among other things, our objectives, goals, strategies, intentions, plans, estimates and outlook, including advertising, distribution, merchandise and subscription revenues, operating costs and tariffs, taxes and fees, and can generally be identified by the use of the words迷你倉出租such as "believe", "anticipate", "expect", "intend", "plan", "will", "may" and other similar expressions. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward looking statements. Although Corus believes that the expectations reflected in such forward looking statements are reasonable, such statements involve risks and uncertainties and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements.Certain material factors or assumptions are applied in making forward looking statements, including without limitation factors and assumptions regarding advertising, distribution, merchandise and subscription revenues, operating costs and tariffs, taxes and fees and actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these expectations include, among other things: our ability to attract and retain advertising revenues; audience acceptance of our television programs and cable networks; our ability to recoup production costs, the availability of tax credits and the existence of co production treaties; our ability to compete in any of the industries in which we do business; the opportunities (or lack thereof) that may be presented to and pursued by us; conditions in the entertainment, information and communications industries and technological developments therein; changes in laws or regulations or the interpretation or application of those laws and regulations; our ability to integrate and realize anticipated benefits from our acquisitions and to effectively manage our growth; our ability to successfully defend ourselves against litigation matters arising out of the ordinary course of business; and changes in accounting standards. Additional information about these factors and about the material assumptions underlying such forward looking statements may be found in our Annual Information Form. Corus cautions that the foregoing list of important factors that may affect future results is not exhaustive.When relying on our forward looking statements to make decisions with respect to Corus, investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and potential events. Unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, we disclaim any intention or obligation to publicly update or revise any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, events or circumstances that arise after the date thereof or otherwise.Corus Entertainment Inc.CONTACT: Follow CorusPR on Twitter @CorusPRFor further information, please contact: Sally Tindal Corus Entertainment Inc. 416.479.6107 sally.tindal@corusent.com Magda Krpan Corus Entertainment 416.479.6054 magda.krpan@corusent.com迷你倉


mini storage據新華社電記者從雲南省沾益縣委宣傳部獲悉,針對網帖反映的"沾益縣盤江鎮組織幹部職工公款旅遊",沾益縣相關部門迅速調查核實,依據相關法規規定,給予盤江鎮黨委書記鄧璽乾黨內嚴重警告處分,給予盤江鎮黨委副書記、鎮長馮智和盤江鎮人大主席譚建明行政警告處分。同時,分別給予鄧璽乾、馮智停職檢查的問責,對其他13名鎮領導班子成員分別迷你倉予取消評先評優資格、責令作出書面檢查和通報批評的問責。日前,有網民發帖稱:"沾益縣盤江鎮黨委書記鄧璽乾和鎮長馮智竟然不遵守中央八項規定,于2013年10月至11月大規模公款組織本單位工作人員及下屬各站所長、各村支部書記、村委會主任等近100人,到桂林、北海、海南游山玩水。"網帖還寫出了兩次旅遊的地點、乘坐航班號、時間等。文件倉

聯想重組架構 力拓企業業務

24小時迷你倉上周正式向美國IBM 協議收購旗下x86 伺服器業務的聯想(992),隨即重新劃分公司組織架構。由今年4 月開始,聯想將由過往Lenovo 及Think 兩大品牌改為以產品劃分,分別是電腦、移動、企業及雲服務四大相對獨立的業務,並表明未來的企業業務是公司盈利的主要增長點。聯想今次架構改動,把原屬Think 的企業業務變成獨立運作。聯想強調,企業業務的目標是快速發展新的盈利引擎,x86 伺務器業務在完成收購後,亦會併入該業務內;雲服務則為進一步建迷你倉旺角及拓展Android及Windows軟件的生態系統,並發展增值業務。另外,聯想把日本及澳紐三地,劃為亞太區成熟市場,交由歐洲、中東及非洲區管理,令原有的亞太區高層,可集中資源發展內地及其他亞太區的新興市場。聯想董事長兼首席執行官楊元慶表示,以出貨量計算,該公司個人電腦已成為全球冠軍,智能手機及平板電腦分別排全球前三及全球第四。聯想去年4 月把業務重整,分別為向一般消費者銷售電腦及移動產品的Lenovo,以及集中發展商用電腦及企業級產品的Think。mini storage


迷你倉將軍澳 沒有內文24小時迷你倉

2014年1月27日 星期一

爆竹煙花燃放區周四開放 旅遊塔街實施臨時交通安排



迷你倉最平本報特約記者 周靜一圖片說明:台灣廟宇搶頭香可謂"驚心動魄"。新春祈福是中華民族的傳統習俗。在台灣,大小廟宇從除夕夜開始就熱鬧非凡,重頭戲就是"搶頭香"。不過據台灣《聯合報》27日報道,今年一些廟宇公開呼籲民�不要冒險搶頭香。在台灣有一種說法,大年初一第一個將香插在廟里的香爐,可為自己帶來一整年的好運,因此不少台灣民�吃完年夜飯就趕到寺廟外守候,為的就是凌晨子時吉時一到,能搶先將手上的香插到香爐上。搶頭香歷史最悠久的嘉義縣新港奉天宮,這一習俗已傳承百年,每年都吸引許多民�參與。一些廟宇為凝聚人氣,還會設下各種獎項鼓勵人們去搶頭香,如嘉義市財神廟曾向搶到頭香的前三名贈送金元寶及發財金;彰化南瑤宮推出的搶頭香獎金高達8888元新台幣。各地因為搶頭香而發生的推擠事件層出不窮。雲林縣麥寮拱範宮的廟門曾被蜂擁而入的民�擠掉,西螺福興宮300斤左右的石獅曾被連續撞翻過,至於因搶頭香而受傷的案例,更是每年不斷。台灣一些政治人物也熱衷搶頭香。2010年春節,有意參選台南市長的許添財與蘇煥智,竟都選擇三十晚上"入住"玄天上帝廟搶頭香迷你倉一度成為島內笑談。不過,今年很多廟宇公開呼籲民�不要冒險搶頭香。有300多年曆史的雲林縣北港朝天宮稱,該寺院內龍柱、隔扇窗等都具歷史價值,屬保護古建築物,今年不鼓勵民�搶頭香。朝天宮文化組組長紀仁智稱,這幾年搶頭香的風潮其實扭曲了信仰的本意,有的信徒狂奔、有的把香當飛鏢射,少了最重要的虔敬與誠意。他說,所謂頭香並不是今年香爐的第一支香,而是新年開年個人所插的第一支香,何時去插都不要緊,心意最重要,不要比速度。台北行天宮也表示,為安全起見,一直都不鼓勵搶頭香,並強調"新春第一炷香都是頭香",新春期間都可以拜拜,不必急在除夕夜。西螺福興宮今年更準備了6666份1元美金紅包,希望人人有獎,不要爭搶。桃園縣南崁五福宮、屏東縣車城福安宮等廟宇則安排"集體插頭香"方式,讓現場信�一人一炷香齊拜頭香,"有福大家一起得"。屏東縣福安宮主任委員廖永展表示,這幾年島內經濟不景氣、大環境不好,民�為了能夠博個好彩頭,才會導致爭搶頭香趨熱。有島內網民也稱,要想讓台灣民�對於搶頭香持平和心態,除了廟方的疏導措施,還得當局拼經濟"硬得起來"。▲新蒲崗迷你倉

Life Insurance in China, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2017

LONDON, Jan.迷你倉 27, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportbuyer.com just published a new market research report:Life Insurance in China, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2017SynopsisThe report provides in depth market analysis, information and insights into the Chinese life insurance segment, including:-- Benchmarking analysis of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries-- The Chinese life insurance segment's growth prospects by life insurance categories and customer segments-- The various distribution channels in the Chinese life insurance segment-- The competitive landscape in the Chinese life insurance segment-- A description of the life reinsurance segment in China-- Detailed analysis of the regulatory framework in ChinaSummaryThe life segment accounted for 59.7% of the country's insurance industry in 2012. The life segment's growth slackened in 2011 and 2012, after phenomenal expansion at a CAGR of 28.5% during 2006-2010. The changes in reporting basis to Chinese GAAP in 2011 (which excludes most premiums from variable universal life and investment-linked products) and new bancassurance regulations imposed by the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) in November 2010 reduced the growth in premium. Despite the current challenging operating environment for life insurance, the long-term growth potential remains encouraging given China's low insurance penetration, rising income levels and aging population.ScopeThis report provides a comprehensive analysis of the life insurance segment in China:-- It provides historical values for China's life insurance segment for the report's 2008-2012 review period and forecast figures for the 2012-2017 forecast period -- It offers a detailed analysis of the key sub-segments in China's life insurance segment, along with industry forecasts until 2017-- It covers an exhaustive list of parameters including written premium, incurred loss, loss ratio, commissions and expenses, combined ratio, frauds and crimes, total assets, total investment income and retentions-- It analyses the various distribution channels for life insurance products in China-- Using Porter's industry-standard "Five Forces" analysis, it details the competitive landscape in China for the life insurance segment-- It provides a detailed analysis of the reinsurance segment in China and its growth prospects-- It profiles the top life insurance companies in China and outlines the key regulations affecting themReasons To Buy-- Make strategic business decisions using historic and forecast market data related to the Chinese life insurance segment and each sector within it-- Understand the demand-side dynamics, key trends and growth opportunities within the Chinese life insurance segment-- Assess the competitive dynamics in the life insurance segment, along with the reinsurance segment-- Identify the growth opportunities and market dynamics within key product categories-- Gain insights into key regulations governing the Chinese insurance industry and its impact on companies and future trends in the industryKey Highlights-- The life insurance segment is going through a sluggish phase, marred by uncertain economic growth and volatile market conditions.-- The ongoing tightening of regulation by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) is also acting as a hindrance to growth.-- Despite the pressures, China remains a significant opportunity for insurers given the largely underpenetrated nature of the life insurance segment.-- The life segment accounted for 59.7% of the country's insurance industry in 2012. -- The segment is concentrated with 96% of the total life segment premium in 2012 distributed among domestic insurers. -- The long-term growth potential remains encouraging given China's low insurance penetration, rising income levels and aging population.Table of Contents1 Executive Summary2 Introduction2.1 What is this Report About?2.2 Definitions2.3 Methodology3 Regional Market Dynamics3.1 Overview3.1.1 Market trends3.1.2 Market size4 Life Insurance4.1 Scale and Penetration4.1.1 Total gross written premium4.1.2 Premium per capita4.1.3 Life insurance penetration (as a percentage of GDP)4.2 Growth4.2.1 Gross written premium4.2.2 Gross written premium per capita4.3 Efficiency and Risk4.3.1 Loss ratio4.3.2 Combined ratio4.3.3 Incurred losses per capita4.3.4 Incurred losses as a percentage of GDP4.4 Distribution Channels4.4.1 Direct marketing4.4.2 Bancassurance4.4.3 Agencies5 Chinese Insurance Industry Attractiveness5.1 Insurance Industry Size, 2008-20175.2 Key Industry Trends and Drivers6 Life Insurance Outlook6.1 Life Insurance Growth Prospects by Category6.1.1 Individual life insurance6.1.2 Individual general annuity insurance6.1.3 Individual endowment insurance6.1.4 Individual unit-linked insurance6.1.5 Individual term life insurance6.1.6 Group life insurance6.1.7 Group superannuation insurance6.2 Life Insurance Growth Prospects by Product Type6.2.1 Individual single-premium policies6.2.2 Individual non-single-premium policies6.2.3 Group single-premium policies6.2.4 Group non-single-premium policies7 Analysis by Distribution Channel7.1 Direct Marketing7.2 Bancassurance7.3 Agencies7.4 E-commerce7.5 Brokers7.6 Other Channels8 Porter's Five Forces Analysis - Chinese Life Insurance8.1 Bargaining Power of Supplier: Medium8.2 Bargaining Power of Buyer: Low8.3 Barriers to Entry: Medium to High8.4 Intensity of Rivalry: Medium to High8.5 Threat of Substitutes: Low9 Reinsurance Growth Dynamics and Challenges9.1 Reinsurance Segment Size, 2008-20179.2 Reinsurance Segment Size by Type of Insurance, 2008-201710 Governance, Risk and Compliance10.1 Legislation Overview and Historical Evolution10.2 Legislation Trends by Type of Insurance10.2.1 Life insurance regulatory trends10.2.2 Property insurance regulatory trends10.2.3 Liability insurance regulatory trends10.2.4 Motor insurance regulatory trends10.2.5 Marine, aviation and transit insurance regulatory trends10.2.6 Personal accident insurance regulatory trends10.2.7 Health insurance regulatory trends10.3 Compulsory Insurance10.3.1 Third-party motor insurance10.3.2 Compulsory environmental insurance10.4 Supervision and Control10.4.1 International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIAS)10.4.2 China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)10.5 Non-Admitted Insurance Regulatory Trends10.5.1 Overview10.5.2 Intermediaries10.5.3 Market Practices10.5.4 Fines and Penalties10.6 Company Registration and Operations10.6.1 Types of Insurance Organization10.6.2 Establishing A Local Company10.6.3 Foreign Ownership10.6.4 Types of License10.6.5 Capital Requirements10.6.6 Solvency Margins10.6.7 Reserve Requirements10.6.8 Investment Regulation10.6.9 Policy Terms and Conditions10.7 Taxation10.7.1 Insurance Premium or Policy Taxation10.7.2 Corporate Tax10.7.3 VAT10.7.4 Captives10.8 Legal System10.8.1 Introduction10.8.2 Access to Courts10.8.3 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)11 Competitive Landscape and Strategic Insights11.1 Overview11.2 Leading Companies in the Chinese Life Insurance Segment11.3 China Life Insurance Company Ltd - Company Overview11.3.1 China Life Insurance Company Ltd - key facts11.3.2 China Life Insurance Company Ltd - key financials11.4 Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Ltd - Company Overview11.4.1 Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Ltd - key facts11.4.2 Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd - key financials11.5 New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd - Company Overview11.5.1 New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd - key facts11.5.2 New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd - key financials11.6 China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd - Company Overview11.6.1 China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd - key facts11.6.2 China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd - key financials11.7 PICC Life - Company Overview11.7.1 PICC Life - key facts11.7.2 PICC Life - key financials11.8 Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd - Company Overview11.8.1 Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd - key facts11.8.2 Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd - key financials11.9 Taiping Life Insurance Company Ltd - Company Overview11.9.1 Taiping Life Insurance Company Ltd - key facts11.9.2 Taiping Life Insurance Company Ltd - key financials11.1 Sino Life Insurance Co., Ltd - Company Overview11.10.1 Sino Life Insurance Co., Ltd - key facts11.10.2 Sino Life Insurance Co., Ltd - key financials11.11 Sunshine Insurance Group Co., Ltd - Company Overview11.11.1 Sunshine Insurance Group Co., Ltd - key facts11.11.2 Sunshine Insurance Group Co., Ltd - key financials11.12 China Post Life Insurance Company Ltd - Company Overview11.12.1 China Post Life Insurance Company Ltd - key facts11.12.2 China Post Life Insurance Company Ltd - key financials12 Business Environment and Country Risk12.1 Business Confidence12.1.1 Market capitalization trend - Shanghai Stock Exchange, China12.2 Economic Performance12.2.1 Net foreign direct investment12.2.2 GDP at constant prices (US$)12.2.3 GDP per capita at constant prices (US$)12.2.4 GDP at current prices (US$)12.2.5 GDP per capita at current prices (US$)12.2.6 GDP by key segments12.2.7 Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing net output at current prices (US$)12.2.8 Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing net output at current prices as a percentage of GDP12.2.9 Manufacturing net output at current prices (US$)12.2.10 Manufacturing net output at current prices as a percentage of GDP12.2.11 Mining, manufacturing and utilities at current prices (US$)12.2.12 Mining, manufacturing and utilities at current prices as a percentage of GDP12.2.13 Construction net output at current prices, (US$)12.2.14 Construction net output at current prices as a percentage of GDP12.2.15 Inflation rate12.2.16 Current account balance as a percentage of GDP12.2.17 Exports as a percentage of GDP12.2.18 Imports as a percentage of GDP12.2.19 Exports growth12.2.20 Imports growth12.2.21 External debt as a percentage of GDP12.3 Infrastructure Quality and Availability12.3.1 Commercial vehicles exports - total value12.3.2 Commercial vehicles imports - total value12.3.3 Automotive exports - total value12.3.4 Automotive imports - total value12.3.5 Life expectancy12.3.6 Total internet subscribers12.4 Labor Force12.4.1 Unemployment rate12.5 Demographics12.5.1 Household consumption expenditure (US$)12.5.2 Total population12.5.3 Urban and rural populations12.5.4 Females as a percentage of the population12.5.5 Males as a percentage of the population12.5.6 Median age of the population12.5.7 Age distribution of the total population12.5.8 Number of households13 Appendix13.1 Methodology13.2 Contact Timetric13.3 About Timetric13.4 Timetric's Services13.5 DisclaimerList of TablesTable 1: Insurance Industry Definitions Table 2: Chinese Insurance - Overall Written Premium by Segment (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 3: Chinese Insurance - Overall Written Premium by Segment (US$ Billion), 2008-2012 Table 4: Chinese Insurance - Overall Written Premium by Segment (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 5: Chinese Insurance - Overall Written Premium by Segment (US$ Billion), 2012-2017 Table 6: Chinese Insurance - Segmentation (% Share), 2008-2017 Table 7: Chinese Life Insurance - Written Premium by Category (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 8: Chinese Life Insurance - Written Premium by Category (US$ Billion), 2008-2012 Table 9: Chinese Life Insurance - Written Premium by Category (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 10: Chinese Life Insurance - Written Premium by Category (US$ Billion), 2012-2017 Table 11: Chinese Life Insurance - Earned Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 12: Chinese Life Insurance - Earned Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 13: Chinese Life Insurance - Sum Assured (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 14: Chinese Life Insurance - Sum Assured (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 15: Chinese Life Insurance - Paid Claims (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 16: Chinese Life Insurance - Paid Claims (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 17: Chinese Life Insurance - Incurred Loss (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 18: Chinese Life Insurance - Incurred Loss (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 19: Chinese Life Insurance - Loss Ratio (%), 2008-2012 Table 20: Chinese Life Insurance - Loss Ratio (%), 2012-2017 Table 21: Chinese Life Insurance - Commissions and Expenses (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 22: Chinese Life Insurance - Commissions and Expenses (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 23: Chinese Life Insurance - Combined Ratio (%), 2008-2012 Table 24: Chinese Life Insurance - Combined Ratio (%), 2012-2017 Table 25: Chinese Life Insurance - Frauds and Crimes (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 26: Chinese Life Insurance - Frauds and Crimes (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 27: Chinese Life Insurance - Total Assets (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 28: Chinese Life Insurance - Total Assets (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 29: Chinese Life Insurance - Total Investment Income (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 30: Chinese Life Insurance - Total Investment Income (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 31: Chinese Life Insurance - Retentions (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 32: Chinese Life Insurance - Retentions (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 33: Chinese Individual Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 34: Chinese Individual Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies, 2012-2017 Table 35: Chinese Individual Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 36: Chinese Individual Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 37: Chinese Individual General Annuity Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 38: Chinese Individual General Annuity Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 39: Chinese Individual General Annuity Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 40: Chinese Individual General Annuity Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 41: Chinese Individual Endowment Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 42: Chinese Individual Endowment Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 43: Chinese Individual Endowment Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 44: Chinese Individual Endowment Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 45: Chinese Individual Unit-Linked Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 46: Chinese Individual Unit-Linked Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 47: Chinese Individual Unit-Linked Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 48: Chinese Individual Unit-Linked Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 49: Chinese Individual Term Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 50: Chinese Individual Term Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 51: Chinese Individual Term Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 52: Chinese Individual Term Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 53: Chinese Group Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 54: Chinese Group Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 55: Chinese Group Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 56: Chinese Group Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 57: Chinese Group Superannuation Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 58: Chinese Group Superannuation Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 59: Chinese Group Superannuation Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 60: Chinese Group Superannuation Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 61: Chinese Individual Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 62: Chinese Individual Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 63: Chinese Individual Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 64: Chinese Individual Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 65: Chinese Individual Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 66: Chinese Individual Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 67: Chinese Individual Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 68: Chinese Individual Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 69: Chinese Group Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 70: Chinese Group Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 71: Chinese Group Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 72: Chinese Group Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 73: Chinese Group Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 74: Chinese Group Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 75: Chinese Group Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 76: Chinese Group Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 77: Chinese Life Insurance - Direct Marketing Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 78: Chinese Life Insurance - Direct Marketing Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 79: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Direct Marketing (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 80: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Direct Marketing (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 81: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Direct Marketing (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 82: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Direct Marketing (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 83: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Direct Marketing Distributors, 2008-2012 Table 84: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Direct Marketing Distributors, 2012-2017 Table 85: Chinese Life Insurance - Bancassurance Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 86: Chinese Life Insurance - Bancassurance Commission Paid (CNY Bil新蒲崗迷你倉ion), 2012-2017 Table 87: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Bancassurance (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 88: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Bancassurance (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 89: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Bancassurance (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 90: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Bancassurance (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 91: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Bancassurance Distributors, 2008-2012 Table 92: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Bancassurance Distributors, 2012-2017 Table 93: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Agencies (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 94: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Agencies (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 95: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Agencies (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 96: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Agencies (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 97: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Agencies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 98: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Agencies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 99: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Agencies, 2008-2012 Table 100: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Agencies, 2012-2017 Table 101: Chinese Life Insurance - E-Commerce Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 102: Chinese Life Insurance - E-Commerce Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 103: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through E-Commerce (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 104: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through E-Commerce (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 105: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through E-Commerce (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 106: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through E-Commerce (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 107: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of E-Commerce Distributors, 2008-2012 Table 108: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of E-Commerce Distributors, 2012-2017 Table 109: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Brokers (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 110: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Brokers (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 111: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Brokers (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 112: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Brokers (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 113: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Brokers (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 114: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Brokers (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 115: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Brokers, 2008-2012 Table 116: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Brokers, 2012-2017 Table 117: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Other Channels (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 118: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Other Channels (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 119: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Other Channels (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 120: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Other Channels (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 121: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Other Channels (Thousand), 2008-2012 Table 122: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Other Channels (Thousand), 2012-2017 Table 123: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Distributors in Other Channels, 2008-2012 Table 124: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Distributors in Other Channels, 2012-2017 Table 125: Reinsurance in China by Category (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 126: Reinsurance in China by Category (US$ Billion), 2008-2012 Table 127: Reinsurance in Chinese by Category (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 128: Reinsurance in Chinese by Category (US$ Billion), 2012-2017 Table 129: Chinese Premium Ceded to Reinsurance by Type of Insurance (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Table 130: Chinese Premium Ceded to Reinsurance by Type of Insurance (US$ Billion), 2008-2012 Table 131: Chinese Premium Ceded to Reinsurance by Type of Insurance (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Table 132: Chinese Premium Ceded to Reinsurance by Type of Insurance (US$ Billion), 2012-2017 Table 133: Chinese Life Insurance - Percentage of Reinsurance Ceded (%), 2008-2012 Table 134: Chinese Life Insurance - Percentage of Reinsurance Ceded (%), 2012-2017 Table 135: The Evolution of Statutory Automobile Liability Insurance (SALI) in China: Table 136: Corporate Tax Rates in China for the Financial Year 2012-2013 Table 137: Shares of Key Insurers in the Chinese Life Insurance Segment (%), 2012 Table 138: China Life Insurance Company Ltd - Key Facts Table 139: China Life Insurance Company Ltd - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2007-2012 Table 140: Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Ltd - Key Facts Table 141: Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2007-2012 Table 142: New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd - Key Facts Table 143: New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2010-2012 Table 144: China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd - Key Facts Table 145: China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2008-2012 Table 146: PICC Life - Key Facts Table 147: PICC Life - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2011 and 2012 Table 148: Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd - Key Facts Table 149: Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2010-2012 Table 150: Taiping Life Insurance Company Ltd - Key Facts Table 151: Taiping Life Insurance Company Ltd - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2008-2012 Table 152: Sino Life Insurance Co., Ltd - Key Facts Table 153: Sino Life Insurance Co., Ltd - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2009-2012 Table 154: Sunshine Insurance Group Co., Ltd - Key Facts Table 155: Sunshine Insurance Group Co., Ltd - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2009-2012 Table 156: China Post Life Insurance Company Ltd - Key Facts Table 157: China Post Life Insurance Company Ltd - Key Financials (CNY Million), 2009-2012List of FiguresFigure 1: BRICS Region - A Snapshot of the Economies and Populations, 2011 Figure 2: BRICS Region - Growth Trends in the Insurance Industry Figure 3: BRICS Region - GDP at Constant Prices (US$ Trillion) and Annual Per Capita Disposable Income (US$), 2007 and 2011 Figure 4: BRICS Region - Health Expenditure Per Capita (US$), 2007 and 2011 Figure 5: BRICS Insurance - Total Industry Values by Segment (US$ Billion), 2011 Figure 6: BRICS Life Insurance - Gross Written Premiums (US$ Billion), 2011 Figure 7: BRICS Life Insurance - Premium Per Capita (US$), 2011 Figure 8: BRICS Life Insurance - Penetration as a Percentage of GDP (%), 2011 and 2016 Figure 9: BRICS Life Insurance - Gross Written Premium Growth (%), 2007-2016 Figure 10: BRICS Life Insurance - Gross Written Premium per Capita Growth (%), 2007-2016 Figure 11: BRICS Life Insurance - Loss Ratios (%), 2011 and 2016 Figure 12: BRICS Life Insurance - Combined Ratios (%), 2011 and 2016 Figure 13: BRICS Life Insurance - Incurred Losses per Capita (US$), 2011 and 2016 Figure 14: BRICS Life Insurance - Incurred Losses as a Percentage of GDP (%), 2011 and 2016 Figure 15: BRICS Direct Marketing - Share of Life insurance New Business Gross Written Premium (%), 2007-2016 Figure 16: BRICS Bancassurance - Share of Life insurance New Business Gross Written Premium (%), 2007-2016 Figure 17: BRICS Agencies - Share of Life insurance New Business Gross Written Premium (%), 2007-2016 Figure 18: Chinese Insurance - Overall Written Premium by Segment (CNY Billion), 2008-2017 Figure 19: Chinese Insurance - Dynamics by Segment (%), 2008-2017 Figure 20: Chinese Life Insurance - Written Premium by Category (CNY Billion), 2008-2017 Figure 21: Chinese Life Insurance - Written Premium by Category (% Share), 2012 and 2017 Figure 22: Chinese Life Insurance - Dynamics by Category, 2008-2017 Figure 23: Chinese Life Insurance - Earned Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 24: Chinese Life Insurance - Earned Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 25: Chinese Life Insurance - Sum Assured (CNY Trillion), 2008-2012 Figure 26: Chinese Life Insurance - Sum Assured (CNY Trillion), 2012-2017 Figure 27: Chinese Life Insurance - Paid Claims (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 28: Chinese Life Insurance - Paid Claims (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 29: Chinese Life Insurance - Incurred Loss (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 30: Chinese Life Insurance - Incurred Loss (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 31: Chinese Life Insurance - Loss Ratio (%), 2008-2012 Figure 32: Chinese Life Insurance - Loss Ratio (%), 2012-2017 Figure 33: Chinese Life Insurance - Commissions and Expenses (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 34: Chinese Life Insurance - Commissions and Expenses (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 35: Chinese Life Insurance - Combined Ratio (%), 2008-2012 Figure 36: Chinese Life Insurance - Combined Ratio (%), 2012-2017 Figure 37: Chinese Life Insurance - Frauds and Crimes (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 38: Chinese Life Insurance - Frauds and Crimes (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 39: Chinese Life Insurance - Total Assets (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 40: Chinese Life Insurance - Total Assets (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 41: Chinese Life Insurance - Total Investment Income (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 42: Chinese Life Insurance - Total Investment Income (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 43: Chinese Life Insurance - Retentions (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 44: Chinese Life Insurance - Retentions (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 45: Chinese Life Insurance - Investment Portfolio (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 46: Chinese Life Insurance - Investment Portfolio, 2008 and 2012 Figure 47: Chinese Life Insurance - Penetration (%), 2008-2012 Figure 48: Chinese Life Insurance - Density (Number of Policies per Capita), 2008-2012 Figure 49: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Million), 2008-2012 Figure 50: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Million), 2012-2017 Figure 51: Chinese Life Insurance - Premium Per-capita (CNY), 2008-2012 Figure 52: Chinese Individual Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Million), 2008-2012 Figure 53: Chinese Individual Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 54: Chinese Individual Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 55: Chinese Individual Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 56: Chinese Individual General Annuity Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 57: Chinese Individual General Annuity Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 58: Chinese Individual General Annuity Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 59: Chinese Individual General Annuity Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 60: Chinese Individual Endowment Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Million), 2008-2012 Figure 61: Chinese Individual Endowment Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Million), 2012-2017 Figure 62: Chinese Individual Endowment Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 63: Chinese Individual Endowment Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 64: Chinese Individual Unit-Linked Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 65: Chinese Individual Unit-Linked Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 66: Chinese Individual Unit-Linked Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 67: Chinese Individual Unit-Linked Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 68: Chinese Individual Term Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 69: Chinese Individual Term Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 70: Chinese Individual Term Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 71: Chinese Individual Term Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 72: Chinese Group Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 73: Chinese Group Life Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 74: Chinese Group Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 75: Chinese Group Life Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 76: Chinese Group Superannuation Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 77: Chinese Group Superannuation Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 78: Chinese Group Superannuation Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 79: Chinese Group Superannuation Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 80: Chinese Individual Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Million), 2008-2012 Figure 81: Chinese Individual Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Million), 2012-2017 Figure 82: Chinese Individual Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 83: Chinese Individual Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 84: Chinese Individual Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Million), 2008-2012 Figure 85: Chinese Individual Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 86: Chinese Individual Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 87: Chinese Individual Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 88: Chinese Group Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 89: Chinese Group Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 90: Chinese Group Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 91: Chinese Group Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 92: Chinese Group Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 93: Chinese Group Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Number of Active Policies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 94: Chinese Group Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 95: Chinese Group Non-Single-Premium Insurance - Written Premium (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 96: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium by Distribution Channel (% Share), 2012 and 2017 Figure 97: Chinese Life Insurance - Direct Marketing Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 98: Chinese Life Insurance - Direct Marketing Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 99: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Direct Marketing (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 100: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Direct Marketing (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 101: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Direct Marketing (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 102: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Direct Marketing (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 103: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Direct Marketing Distributors, 2008-2012 Figure 104: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Direct Marketing Distributors, 2012-2017 Figure 105: Chinese Life Insurance - Bancassurance Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 106: Chinese Life Insurance - Bancassurance Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 107: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Bancassurance (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 108: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Bancassurance (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 109: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Bancassurance (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 110: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Bancassurance (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 111: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Bancassurance Distributors, 2008-2012 Figure 112: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Bancassurance Distributors, 2012-2017 Figure 113: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Agencies (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 114: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Agencies (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 115: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Agencies (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 116: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Agencies (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 117: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Agencies (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 118: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through Agencies (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 119: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Agencies, 2008-2012 Figure 120: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of Agencies, 2012-2017 Figure 121: Chinese Life Insurance - E-Commerce Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 122: Chinese Life Insurance - E-Commerce Commission Paid (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 123: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through E-Commerce (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 124: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through E-Commerce (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 125: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through E-Commerce (Thousand), 2008-2012 Figure 126: Chinese Life Insurance - New Policies Sold Through E-Commerce (Thousand), 2012-2017 Figure 127: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of E-Commerce Distributors, 2008-2012 Figure 128: Chinese Life Insurance - Number of E-Commerce Distributors, 2012-2017 Figure 129: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Brokers (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 130: Chinese Life Insurance - Commission Paid to Brokers (CNY Billion), 2012-2017 Figure 131: Chinese Life Insurance - New Business Written Premium Through Brokers (CNY Billion), 2008-2012 Figure 132: Chinese Life Insurance - NewRead the full report:Life Insurance in China, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2017 .reportbuyer.com/banking_finance/insurance/life/life_insurance_china_key_trends_opportunities_2016.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Life_InsuranceFor more information: Sarah Smith Research Advisor at Reportbuyer.com Email: query@reportbuyer.com Tel: +44 208 816 85 48 Website: .reportbuyer.comReportBuyerWeb site: .reportbuyer.com/迷你倉


迷你倉【本報訊】心靈工坊將邀請譯者丁凡、旅遊達人謝純淳、醫師謝明憲和林奕廷在台北國際書展舉辦精彩講座。丁凡為專業譯者,翻譯資歷超過20年,心靈工坊特別邀請丁凡為大家分享《我,在世界的身體之中》作者、女性主義劇作家Eve Ensler感人的故事,並在講座後舉行簽書會。旅遊達人謝純淳將舉行新書《發現中亞:一千零一夜的新蒲崗迷你倉祕國度》新書座談會,謝純淳自中亞帶回的滿滿回憶和紀錄,邀請您一起盡情探索這傳說中的一千零一夜。台大精神科醫師林奕廷、謝明憲將親臨國際書展做現場對談,為讀者解惑並開放現場問診,使讀者們在瞭解壓力後,面對不同的人、事、物,能夠懂得紓壓方法。座談會皆為免費入場,歡迎民眾預先報名參加。洽詢電話:02-2702-9186迷你倉


迷你倉最平 【記者吳婉瑜報導】廈門市政協第十一屆五次會議期間,中國民主同盟廈門市委副主委齊曉玲高聲呼籲:打造兩岸跨境電子商務產業園,促進廈門自由貿易區建設。 近年來,電子商務模式繼代購、電視購物之後,成為兩岸消費新寵。2012年兩岸電商交易金額達25億人民幣,有八成台灣網商正在實施跨境銷售。業者預測,兩岸電子商務B2B和B2C市場的年消費總量很快將達150億人民幣。齊曉玲認為,廈門要建立以促進兩岸經貿往來為特色的自由貿易區,關鍵必須先從建立兩岸迷你倉境電子商務產業園區切入,通過設立園區解決貿易、通關、物流、資金流等瓶頸問題,理順關檢、結匯、稅收、結算等經貿體制,並帶動廈門幾個特殊監管區域所涉及的監管政策、管理體系、行政職能和資訊系統的有效整合,並在此基礎上逐步過渡升級為具有涉台特色的自貿區,應是廈門推動自貿區建設的可行路徑。 會上,許多政協委員同樣把目光聚集兩岸合作,工商聯代表柯希平建議在兩岸區域性金融服務中心建立首家民營銀行、台聯代表盧紹蘢則提出要扶持幫助在廈台灣經貿社團健康發展。新蒲崗迷你倉


南都訊 記者康殷 發自香港 香港入境事務處昨日回顧去年工作,其中提到,為配合零雙非政策,入境處去年在管制站截查40856名內地孕婦,其中有5077名無預約本地分娩的內地孕婦被拒入境。打擊水客方面,去年有1.迷你倉28萬名內地水客被拒入境。102名孕婦被定罪據透露,香港去年出入境總人次超過2 .77億,比前年增加3.6%。訪港旅客入境人數達5430萬,當中內地旅客4050萬。配合政府落實"零雙非"政策,去年入境處在管制站截查40856名內地孕婦,其中有5077名無預約本地分娩的內地孕婦被拒入境。去年分別有94名及8名逾期留港及以非法行為來港分娩的孕婦,及8名協助人士和4名中介人被定罪,其中最高刑期為15個月。香港入境處長陳國基表示,內地孕婦闖急症室分娩的個案,已由前年第四季每月平均160宗,遞減至去年每月平均20宗。142名內地水客被定罪判囚香港去年共進行13708次反非法勞工行動,拘捕60自存倉2名非法勞工及915名僱主。陳國基表示,去年共有794名非法入境者被捕,較2012年的414名大幅增加92%。他表示會加強與廣東省執法機構聯繫,加強打擊非法勞工。香港入境處自前年9月起推行代號"風沙"行動打擊水貨客,至今共拘捕1065名涉嫌違反逗留條件的內地水貨客及15名本地僱主,當中有142名內地水貨客被定罪判囚。入境處按既有機制,將被定罪內地居民資料交予內地,注銷簽証並禁止2年內再來港,香港入境處設立懷疑水貨客監察名單,去年有逾1.28萬名內地居民被拒入境及實時遣返內地。入境處稱可承受7000萬旅客流量港府早前預計2017年有超過7000萬人次旅客訪港,入境處處長陳國基昨日表示,入境關口可以承受流量,但承認目前關口的確吃力。目前面對的最大困難是大量旅客在集中在周六早上入境,周日傍晚出境。2013-2014學年跨境學童數目持續增至約2萬人,今年下半年會在落馬洲增加6條跨境學童專用E道。迷你倉新蒲崗


自存倉 沒有內文迷你倉新蒲崗


本報訊 (記者 王志彥)春節臨近,隨著鐵路客流全面�動,本市公路客流也迎來最高峰。今明兩天,上海南站將發送旅客4.mini storage2萬和4.5萬人次,單日加班班次均超350班。截至昨天,長途南站已售出春運預售票22萬張。從數據看,今明兩天將迎來今年春運極端客流高峰,出行方向主要集中在蘇浙皖以及福建、江西、貴州、湖北等中長線路。長途南站表示,將根據旅客的需求有針對性地增加運力,如蘇北方向的贛榆、鹽城、漣水、宿遷、淮安、姜堰、泗洪、睢寧、泰興、連雲港;安徽方向的蕪湖、巢湖、銅陵、黃山地區、太湖、宣城、合肥;浙江地區的慶元、普陀、天台、象山、路橋等方向。每逢春運,多變的天氣總是讓旅客不踏實。日前,上海氣象局、閘北公安分局交警支隊、上海長途汽車客運總站在客運總站環形大廳內首次設置"春運氣象服務台"。服務台通過實時信息反映近期天氣狀況,讓更多的旅客、駕駛員、車站管理員第一時間瞭解長途大巴沿途天氣情況,以便及時作出調整。車被扣,51位乘客怎麼辦本報訊 (通訊員 陳朝暉 記者 張家琳)為進一步加強省際客運行業監管,確保春運市場秩序,市交通執法總隊在全市範圍內組織開展"暢運2號"專項行動。有關部門提醒廣大乘客,應到正規客運站點購票,乘坐正規長途車輛,支持、配合春運執法工作。1月24日13時40分,在京滬高速公路安亭收費站,市交通執法總隊十支隊在交警部門協助下,對車牌號為滬BS0555的一輛大巴車進行檢查。經查,該車行駛證車屬單位為上海弘建旅遊客運有限公司,其前身屬上海益流客運公司。車輛目前處於過戶期間,可該迷你倉不顧道路運輸證尚未辦出,即從事道路包車客運。交通執法部門依法暫扣該車並作出相應行政處罰。在交通執法人員的聯繫安排下,當天16時許,嘉定客運公司按春運工作的具體駁客程序,將所有51位乘客轉移至上海長途客運總站,並在總站乘上了返鄉的正規長途汽車。26日上午,51位乘客已全部安全、順暢返抵安徽家鄉。記者得知,春運期間有關部門將繼續查處違法客運行為,防止反彈。128元車票為何賣250元本報訊 (記者 楊瑞雲 通訊員 吳潤元)來自安徽的新上海人小黃來電詢問:"上個月,我乘長途班車回老家安徽潁上,票價是128元。上周五,我和愛人一起回家探親,一張票卻要250元,幾乎比春運前漲了一倍,這是不是亂漲價?"記者向相關部門瞭解到,1月16日至2月24日共45天公路春運期間,按市物價局和交港局規定,本市長途班車客運票價可以按基準價在30%的範圍內浮動。在春運前的客運淡季,公路客運票價一直沒有執行到基準價,即在基準價下浮30%的範圍運行;從1月16日起,公路客票價格已調回到執行基準價,並按規定在30%的範圍內實行上浮。以上海至安徽潁上為例,車型為高一級的客票基準價為152元,小黃在客運淡季時買票,票價128元,在基準價以下,坐的是高一級客車。而這次他與愛人坐了高三級的高檔車,高三級客車的基準價為203元,再按規定上浮30%以內,可達263.9元,250元是在規定範圍內。旅客之所以會產生錯覺,好像票價上漲超過了30%,其實是由於恢複到原來的基準價後,再按客運票價規定及車況、站點等級等因素,實行適當上浮。文件倉